Keys to Breaking Demonic Attachments, Defilement and Transference on Your Life


We are in the world, but not of the world. However, being in the world, there are times we can feel or experience demonic activity and attacks.

So, how do we establish protection over our soul from demonic attachments, defilements and transferences?

You can start by speaking audibly and commanding, “No ungodly attachments, defilements or transferences, in Jesus’ name.”

Keys to Using Discernment:

—Are you experiencing paranormal activity?

—Have you been stricken with an illness or sickness?

—Are you experiencing unusual body pain?

—Do you have emotional ailments rising that are unlike you?

—Did you recently come home from traveling and don’t quite feel the same?

—Have you been in a dark territory or place?

Read and study Psalm 91 about God’s protection.

Write down 10 scriptures on God’s protection for you.

Write a 10-sentence declaration breaking agreement with demonic defilements.

Write a 10-sentence declaration calling forth protection.

Listen to this podcast to learn how exactly to do this!

See my books, Speak Out and Prophetic Proclamations, for declarations and how to write a declaration.


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