Jezebel Curse Broken, but Leviathan Still Raging Over America

2017 01 Serpent

The overreaching edicts and excessive executive orders being made by the current outgoing president are an indication of a spiritual strongman working behind the scenes that has long been operating in this nation.

Though intercessors have seen the spirit of Jezebel “toppled” as a result of the election, the spiritual battle to keep and occupy this nation has only begun. Another principality is still at work behind the scenes, and it’s called the king of pride: “He (Leviathan) beholds all high things; he is a king over all the children of pride” (Job 41:34). I believe the consistent attitudes of pride, defiance against existing authorities and the ongoing need for recognition and status demonstrated by our current president (and others in his administration) are being fed by this principality that seeks to exert oppressive control and dominance over its territory. And, this spirit won’t give up easily.

Now with the national shifting of political and spiritual authorities, this “fleeing serpent” (Is. 27:1) is desperate to do as much damage as possible before the oath is sealed on Jan. 20. Its purpose is to not only limit and hinder what God is doing but to sabotage the newly appointed governments, both natural and spiritual. Knowing that its time is short, this king of pride seeks to destroy the storehouse of God’s prophetic promises over this nation and rob us of our hope for the future.

The only way to overturn the desperate and potentially damaging last-minute executive actions from the current administration is through the rightly postured hearts of praying believers. Until this case is settled in the courts of heaven, no legal action in the natural will have much lasting impact. Unless a humbled and rightly-joined body of believers come in the opposite spirit, our spiritual adversary will continue to find ways to continue his assault—even with a new president and administration in office.

I believe the Lord is calling us to a higher standard of agreement in prayer this next year. It will not be enough to simply pray the right prayers or declare the right Scriptures. Our strategy must start with humbling ourselves before one another. We must come in agreement to the purposes of God and properly align ourselves through healthy interdependent relationships. In this coming year, there is a special grace on the power of agreement, when even two agree on a thing (Matt. 18:19). I believe our unity is being upgraded where the measure of the fruit we see will be in direct proportion to the measure of agreement we have in walking together.

What gives power to the king of pride is its feeding on independence and ego (Job 41:24-25). What we see displayed in the executive office in recent days is an attitude of total independence from governing authorities and a disregard for the laws of the land. (This is not a personal judgment on the individuals involved, but a recognition of the demonic influence behind them.) The very thing that will nullify the power of this demonic influence is when believers come in the opposite spirit of mutual submission and humility. It is not simply saying “I agree” or “claiming our spiritual authority” in prayer. We must demonstrate mutual submission to one another as well as honor those in spiritual authority in our own lives. This is what can ultimately overturn these attempts to block and choke off the life-flow of God’s administrations—when we ourselves are walking interdependently in humility and honor. Though the temptation may be to “come against” such a principality in some kind of spiritual confrontation, it is exactly the opposite approach that will render it ineffective and powerless.  

“Then the king and the rulers of Israel humbled themselves and said, ‘The Lord is righteous.’ So when the Lord observed that they had humbled themselves, the word of the Lord came to Shemaiah, ‘They have humbled themselves, so I will not destroy them. I will let some of them escape, and My anger will not pour out against Jerusalem by the hand of Shishak'” (2 Chron. 12:6-7).

Perhaps rather than engaging in “spiritual warfare,” we need to simply submit in humility and agree that He alone is the Righteous Judge. Isaiah 27:1 states that the Lord Himself will deal with Leviathan: “In that day the LORD with His fierce and great and strong sword shall punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent, even Leviathan the twisted serpent; and He shall slay the dragon that is in the sea.” This means that we do not have to fight this thing. “Do not fear them, for the LORD your God, He shall fight for you” (Deut. 3:22).

Our call to intercession right now is not just a call to humble ourselves before God but to humble ourselves before one another. We must lay down our own pride and any temptation to be independent of one another. We must lay down offenses towards those in spiritual authority and honor those whom the Lord has established as rulers and governing authorities, including our own pastors and shepherds in our communities (Rom. 13:1). We should seek to pray with others, especially our spiritual leaders, so that God’s favor and blessing can be released to the fullest.

It is from this place of humility and agreement that the king of pride will not only be overthrown, but displaced. Heaven’s desire is for the body of Christ to become so unified that we are literally “as one” (Phil. 1:27, NIV). It is this kind of interdependence and mutual love for one another that will render the enemies of God powerless. {eoa}

Wanda Alger is on staff with Intercessors for America and a five-fold prophetic minister with Dove Christian Fellowship International. Follower her at

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