In the Line of Fire, by Michael Brown

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In the Line of Fire

Women protesting with fists in air.

Why Are (Young) Women So Woke?

In the Line of Fire

Commenting on a Finland-based study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, Oskari Lahtinen, the author of the study, said, “The gender divide was probably most surprising to me. Three out of five women view ‘woke’ ideas positively, but only one out of seven men.” This reflects a similar phenomenon observed in other countries, and, […]

Dr. Michael L. and Nancy Brown

Celebrating 48 Years of Marital Bliss

In the Line of Fire

Thursday, March 14, 2024, marks 48 years of marriage for Nancy and me, and I can truly say that they have been wonderful years. Whatever trials or tests or difficulties or disappointments we have endured have been far overshadowed by the blessed union we have experienced together. As I have often said, outside of my

golden apple surrounded by barbed wire

God Uses Sinful People, but …

In the Line of Fire

When we look back through history, secular and spiritual, ancient and contemporary, it is clear that God uses sinful people to accomplish His purposes—not just weak people, but sinful people. But this does not mean that God always approves of those He uses. And it does not mean that there are not consequences to our

American flag behind Bible

Is Christian Nationalism a Threat to Democracy?

In the Line of Fire

Have you noticed that, almost everywhere you turn, “Christian nationalism” is in the news? On March 3, a headline on the Christian Post stated: “John MacArthur denounces Christian nationalism as ‘faulty viewpoint’ linked to postmillennialism.” On March 7, USA Today announced: “As Trump support merges with Christian nationalism, experts warn of extremist risks.” Similar headlines


Why My Focus Is Not on Donald Trump

In the Line of Fire

This article is not intended to influence how you vote on Tuesday, Nov. 5, nor is it intended to influence how you view former President Donald Trump. Instead, it is to help you keep a godly, faith-filled and sane perspective in the months leading up to Election Day, since things could get pretty crazy before

Soldiers, rocket flares at night in Gaza

The Latest Despicable Anti-Israel Lie

In the Line of Fire

According to a quote widely attributed to Winston Churchill, “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.” This is absolutely true when it comes to reporting about Israel, except even more so. We could say that anti-Israel lies become canonized, even becoming part of sacred

Gemini logo on laptop

Has Google Created an AI Frankenstein?

In the Line of Fire

I recently posted an article titled “The Programming of AI and the Indoctrinating of Our Children,” highlighting the ridiculously obvious, radical leftist biases in both the Google search engine and Google’s new AI bot named Gemini. Since then, we have learned just how extremist Google’s Gemini really is, not to mention how long Google apparently

Asian, Black and Native American

The Programming of AI and the Indoctrinating of Our Children

In the Line of Fire

Last September, I wrote an article titled, “Four Years Later Google’s Search Bias Is As Blatant As Ever.” The article began with these words: In his 2019 book The Madness of the Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity, Douglas Murray exposed the cultural insanity that has gripped so much of the modern world. He pointed out

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