In the Line of Fire, by Michael Brown

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In the Line of Fire

girl watching TV

Bad News About Childhood TV Watching and Adult Criminality

In the Line of Fire

According to a major study carried out by a New Zealand university over a period of more than 20 years, “Children who watch excessive amounts of television are more likely to have criminal convictions and show aggressive personality traits as adults.” Is that really a surprise? The study, which was just published in the journal […]

Michael Brown

Confronting the Error of Hyper-Grace

In the Line of Fire

The biblical message of grace is wonderful, glorious and life-transforming. We can’t live without it for one second of our lives. But there is a message being preached today in the name of a new grace reformation, mixing powerful truth with dangerous error. I call it hyper-grace. One of the foundational doctrines of the hyper-grace

bride and groom

Is It Time for Biblical Conservatives to Throw in the Towel?

In the Line of Fire

Republican leaders have capitulated, pro-family pundits have caved, and gay activists have announced that their struggle for equality is just about over. Is it time for biblical conservatives to throw in the towel? What a ridiculous thought. Why in the world would we do that? I’m fully aware that: Newt Gingrich recently announced his belief that same-sex

worship leader

Drunken Worship Leaders and Mercenary Musicians

In the Line of Fire

If there’s anyone in the body of Christ who should be an example of purity of heart and purity of life, it is the worship leader, the man or woman who leads God’s people into his holy presence. Yet it is increasingly common to hear about worship leaders getting drunk after church services and dropping

Bill Maher

When Do Christian-Bashers Begin ‘Sensitivity Training’?

In the Line of Fire

Chris Culliver, the San Francisco 49ers player who bad-mouthed gays last week, will soon begin LGBT sensitivity training. When do the public figures who bad-mouth conservative Christians begin their sensitivity training? Back in 2007, basketball player Tim Hardaway received an avalanche of criticism when he said during a radio interview, “I hate gay people. I

Megan Fox

Sex Symbols Who Speak in Tongues?

In the Line of Fire

I was at the grocery store the other day when I was unexpectedly confronted with an adult-oriented magazine located right next to the vitamin section. I immediately had to look away from the front cover, which featured a scantily clad, seductively posed, sex symbol. Yet it was only a few weeks ago that I read

brendon ayanbadejo

Super Bowl or Gay Equality Bowl?

In the Line of Fire

Is it too much to ask that the focus of this Sunday be on football and not on “gay rights”? Will I be branded as a homophobic bigot for daring to make such a request? (I can answer that already: Yes!) Last week, Fox News ran the headline, “Baltimore Raven linebacker [Brendon Ayanbadejo] uses Super

pro-abortion video

Hardness of Heart and the Celebration of Abortion

In the Line of Fire

In 1995, feminist leader Naomi Wolf called for a pro-abortion movement “that acts with moral accountability and without euphemism,” noting that, “With the pro-choice rhetoric we use now, we incur three destructive consequences—two ethical, one strategic: hardness of heart, lying and political failure.” That hardness of heart was fully manifest in the profane video produced

closet door

Gay Rights Activists Can’t Put the Church in the Closet

In the Line of Fire

There are many people today who despise conservative religious beliefs, but they are quick to say, “We don’t want to restrict your religious freedoms in any way. Just keep your beliefs in the church.” What they fail to realize is that the church is not a closet, and it is our private beliefs that fuel

Obama and Biden

My Response to Your Inaugural Speech, Mr. President

In the Line of Fire

The president declared it. A pastor prayed it. And woe betide those who differ with this new reality announced at yesterday’s presidential inauguration: Gay is now an official social category as defined and tangible as black or white. Put another way, romantic attraction and sexual desire are now viewed as being as innate and immutable

Lance Armstrong

Lessons From the Lance Armstrong Fiasco

In the Line of Fire

Lance Armstrong has gone from being one of America’s most celebrated athletes to one of the most disgraced athletes of all time, from an inspiration to millions to a laughingstock to the world. What can we learn from this debacle in light of his recent confessions? 1) Even if “everyone is doing it,” that doesn’t

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