In the Line of Fire, by Michael Brown

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In the Line of Fire

Pope Francis

The Scandal of the Jewish Pope

In the Line of Fire

One of the first official acts of the newly installed Pope Francis was to reach out to the Jewish community of Rome—as his predecessor Pope Benedict had done—and he is being greeted warmly by many Jewish leaders worldwide. For most of the last 1,500 years, though, Catholic-Jewish relations have not been so warm. In fact, […]

Rob Bell

Rob Bell’s Recipe for Spiritual Disaster

In the Line of Fire

In the midst of his announcement on Sunday that he now supports same-sex marriage, Rob Bell warned American evangelicals to “adapt or die.” His counsel, intended to be helpful, is actually a guaranteed formula for failure and a proven recipe for disaster. In fact, the only way for us to make a lasting impact on

holding Bible

What’s the Difference Between Holiness and Legalism?

In the Line of Fire

Holiness is beautiful, legalism is binding; holiness brings life, legalism brings death. They are as different as night and day, and yet at first glance they can seem similar, because they both stand against sinful behavior and call for holy living. How can we distinguish between the two? Legalism is rules without relationship, emphasizing standards

President Clinton with President Obama

Mr. Clinton, You Are Wrong About Overturning DOMA

In the Line of Fire

Dear Mr. Clinton, with all respect to the office of the president which you held for eight years, I must say that it is not just ironic that you are now asking the Supreme Court to overturn the legislation you signed into law 17 years ago. It is downright tragic. In your March 7 editorial

letter of James in Bible

Recovering the Lost Letter of Jacob

In the Line of Fire

It is high time the English-speaking church recovers the long-lost letter of Jacob. For 500 years, we have wrongly called this the letter of James, despite the fact that the Greek does not say James, but rather Jacob (as in Abraham, Isaac and Jacob), and despite the fact that in every other language, the letter

Cassidy Hooper

Teen Born Without Nose or Eyes Inspires Masses

In the Line of Fire

The news line on Drudge Report immediately got my attention: “Girl Born Without Eyes or Nose.” But when I clicked on the link, expecting to read about a just-born, severely handicapped baby, I found a very different story—a story about a courageous teenager with an amazing attitude toward life. One simple quote from her said


7 Biblical Principles for World Changers

In the Line of Fire

The Bible is not only the world’s most widely distributed book (by the billions), it is also the world’s most widely banned book. That’s because it is not just an eclectic assortment of ancient religious traditions. Rather, it is the ultimate threat to the status quo of prideful, human kingdom-building, the ultimate collection of divinely inspired revolutionary writings. With that in mind, here are seven biblical principles

Michael Brown

Why I Love the Message of Grace

In the Line of Fire

It was John Newton, the former slave trader and the author of “Amazing Grace,” who penned the famous words, “How precious did that grace appear the hour I first believed.” I can relate to that personally, and that’s one reason I’m so jealous for the unadulterated grace of God, for grace without mixture, grace without

married couple

When You Find Out You Married Your Sister

In the Line of Fire

You knew it had to happen sometime. A husband discovers that he and his wife have the same sperm donor father. (Both of them were raised by lesbian parents.) That means he married his half-sister, who is now the mother of their three children. What should they do? Although the story has not, to my

men taking shots at club

Hyper-Grace Horror Stories

In the Line of Fire

Hyper-grace teachers frequently emphasize that they do not condone sinful living and that God’s true grace will produce a holy life, and I believe they sincerely mean this. One hyper-grace author even states at the beginning of his book, “We are not propagating immorality, because if we truly believe in God and love Him there

girl watching TV

Bad News About Childhood TV Watching and Adult Criminality

In the Line of Fire

According to a major study carried out by a New Zealand university over a period of more than 20 years, “Children who watch excessive amounts of television are more likely to have criminal convictions and show aggressive personality traits as adults.” Is that really a surprise? The study, which was just published in the journal

Michael Brown

Confronting the Error of Hyper-Grace

In the Line of Fire

The biblical message of grace is wonderful, glorious and life-transforming. We can’t live without it for one second of our lives. But there is a message being preached today in the name of a new grace reformation, mixing powerful truth with dangerous error. I call it hyper-grace. One of the foundational doctrines of the hyper-grace

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