In the Line of Fire, by Michael Brown

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In the Line of Fire

Jackie Robinson

Why Jason Collins Is Not the New Jackie Robinson

In the Line of Fire

As expected, the media has crowned Jason Collins, the first openly gay NBA player, the new Jackie Robinson, and the Human Rights Campaign has called Collins a “hero for our own times.” His actions were deemed worthy of a personal phone call from President Obama, who told Collins that he “couldn’t be prouder.” Without disparaging […]

Chris Broussard

Will Chris Broussard Become a Martyr of the Media?

In the Line of Fire

You knew it was going to happen sooner or later. An athlete in a major pro sport would come out as gay, declaring himself a Christian as well, and a Christian journalist would be asked for his take on the subject, only to be labeled intolerant and bigoted. How could it be otherwise? It’s true

radical islamists burn american flag

Why Do Radical Muslims Hate Us?

In the Line of Fire

What would motivate two young Muslims to blow up innocent men, women and children? What did America do to deserve such an outpouring of irrational, blind hatred? In the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombings, it is clear that most Americans still do not understand the ideology of radical Islam. Bill O’Reilly noted that America

George Washington University Catholics

‘Thou Shalt Not Be Catholic’

In the Line of Fire

It was prescience, not paranoia, that prompted some social commentators to predict that gay activism would become the principle threat to religious freedoms in America. A recent incident at George Washington University provides the latest confirmation. In 2010, the University of Illinois fired a Catholic professor who taught courses on Catholicism in the school’s religion

Michael Brown

A Born-Again Christian Prostitute?

In the Line of Fire

It is one thing to say, “I was a terrible sinner before I knew the Lord, but God still loved me even in my sin and had His hand on my life.” It is another thing entirely to say, “All the years that I was living in blatant, open sin, I was actually a born-again

baby foot

Planned Parenthood Confirms Its Baby-Killer Status

In the Line of Fire

In a testimony that shocked Florida legislators, a lobbyist for Planned Parenthood explained that “her organization believes the decision to kill an infant who survives a failed abortion should be left up to the woman seeking an abortion and her abortion doctor.” But what else should we expect from an organization that has made countless

Michael Brown

Liberty From Sin, Not Liberty to Sin

In the Line of Fire

Jesus came to set us free! This is one of the fundamental truths of the gospel, repeated over and over again in the New Testament. As expressed by Paul, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free” (Gal. 5:1, NIV). In the words of Jesus himself, “If the Son sets you free, you

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