‘I Am Going to Begin Healing Ancient Wounds’

Cindy Jacobs

“And the Lord would say to the south of the United States, ‘I am putting an anointing of restoration and reconciliation upon you.’ And the Lord would say, ‘It is time where I am going to begin to heal the ancient wounds, and I am going to move in such a way on the south that it’s going to be a racist-free zone that I will even use to heal the north,’ says the Lord.” 

That is a short excerpt of a powerful word given by Cindy Jacobs and Becca Greenwood, who recently prophesied together over the southern region of the United States. Alabama and Georgia were specifically prophesied over with promises from the Lord of groundbreaking change in multiple areas including their justice systems, economies and roots of racism.

God is targeting the Deep South, and we are expecting to see Him sweep over this part of the nation with His love and healing in many societal areas! We encourage you to watch the video featuring Cindy and Becca together declaring this word of the Lord together.

For the video of Jacobs’ and Greenwood’s prophecy, visit generals.org.

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