This Is Never The Acceptable Answer to Depression

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Canada has a new, youthful and “progressive” Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. He’s quite handsome and also quite insistent on seeing assisted suicide be legalized in Canada.

Last week a measure he supports was introduced into the House of Commons; the measure would help people with painful conditions end their lives in a quick and “dignified” way. After a 15-day reflection period, a physician administers a drug to terminate a patient’s life (unless the doctor decides to accelerate the process).

The Canadian Justice Minister, Jody Wilson-Raybould, assured that the “measure ensures a peaceful death.” This gives the patient the “dignified choice of a medically assisted death.”

By the way, no one is excluded in this process, even those with mental illness. We certainly don’t want to leave out those who are mentally challenged! And of course no one need worry about anybody whispering encouragement into the ears of these mentally incapacitated as well as predominantly elderly and sick folks whose minds are not as sharp as they once were.

The Canadian House of Commons makes their decision and then it goes to the Senate, where a June 6 deadline has been set. It is expected to pass, as the majority of people have been propagandized to support the measure.

What About America?

Many people are unaware of the accelerated pace that exists to legalize assisted suicide in our country. Already Montana, Oregon, New Mexico, Washington and Vermont are on board. California signs on in June. Are you watching movement along these lines in your state?

Let’s face it, the further our Western civilization drifts from our Judeo-Christian foundations, the more countries embrace euthanasia coupled with abortion and infanticide. Euthanasia is now legal in Belgium, Columbia, India, Ireland, Luxemburg, Mexico and the Netherlands. The Netherlands’ small population will euthanize about 2,000 people yearly, plus it now has guidelines for infant euthanasia.

If people are not aware of this development, we will see it increasingly gain ground. It is one of the reasons the Bullseye Challenge includes it as one of the 30 hot-button topics on which we must be informed.

To awaken Americans and educate us to “hit the mark” on this and the other key issues of our day, a movement is underway to establish informed Christians in our generation. This 15-minute/30-day challenge offers immediately accessible, compelling videos and an easy-to-read book that changes lives!

Forty Years Ago

Last week my wife and I celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary in Washington, D.C. In the same year we were married, 1976, Dr. Francis Schaeffer released a classic book entitled “How Should We Then Live?” The title was derived from Ezekiel 33:10 and remains an urgent prophetic warning for America today.

What Dr. Schaeffer warned about is regrettably unfolding before our eyes. He said if we remove God and His commands from our culture and fail to uphold the sanctity of life (everyone is created in the image of God, deserves protection and the “right to life”), we will be on a slippery slope to our demise.

So-called “physician assisted suicide,” “mercy killing” or “death with dignity” is misleading terminology whereby someone usurps God’s role and actively takes someone else’s life. Scripture tells us that all life is sacred, and the command is clear: “You shall not murder” (Ex. 20:13).

The gravity of this is seen when David ordered capital punishment for the man who claimed to assist Saul in his suicide act (2 Sam. 1:1-16). Euthanasia proponents may say this is a “good death” (the Greek words for euthanasia), but it is clearly prohibited in sacred Scripture.

The smooth and seductive reasoning presented by advocates of euthanasia needs to be exposed and resisted vigorously by people of faith. Doctors helping “suffering” elderly people or those with dementia, depression or severe injuries to be “put out of their misery” with lethal doses of medicine is contrary to the will of God.

I encourage you to invest three minutes now and watch the video from the Bullseye Challenge on the topic of “Physician-Assisted Suicide.”

God alone is the “Creator of life” (Acts 3:15). Job 1:21 tells us, “The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” He tells us, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His godly ones” (Ps. 116:15). As we pray for spiritual awakening today, may we also pray for people to be on guard for this subtle, encroaching deception.

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