Here's the Deal, by Larry Tomczak

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SCOTUS Slams Women’s Safety in Abortion Ruling, So Is This Next?

2020 06 SCOTUS prolife signs

The Supreme Court shocked sensibilities in striking down the Louisiana law protecting women—a mother or a female (or male) baby needing hospital care in the case of an emergency. Chief Justice John Roberts stunned scores with his deciding vote, causing pro-abortionists to celebrate.

What’s next as we watch further support for activists chipping away at laws enacted to protect the innocent unborn in this American holocaust?

Four states have enacted “Heartbeat Bills” prohibiting abortion as early as 6 weeks. Our home state of Tennessee awaits the signature of our Christian governor, Bill Lee, to become No. 5!

Forces are arrayed to topple these “heartbeat” initiatives. That is why I penned a rebuttal to a pro-abortionist physician who wrote an op-ed in our state newspaper. I ask that you read my column to fortify your resolve to “not grow weary” (Gal. 6:9) but remain resilient in this, the battle of our generation.

Volunteer State Should Support the Heartbeat Bill

“If you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end; if you look for comfort you will not get either comfort or truth.” —C. S. Lewis

Pontius Pilate asked Jesus Christ, “What is truth?” Discussing abortion and the current heartbeat bill, sincere Tennessean truth-seekers should honestly ask, “So what is the truth?”

Over the years when I’ve sat down with Tennessean editor David Plazas, I’ve discovered the two of us share a core conviction: pursue truth with civility. I invite readers to do likewise with a different perspective than the columnist (June 26) advocating for defeat of Tennessee’s heartbeat bill.

The writer focused strongly on a woman’s right to dismember the developing baby because otherwise, pregnant women will suffer undue burdens or death. He was sincere but quoted falsehoods that mislead.

He parroted talking points of many former pro-abortionists who eventually realized the deception, embraced the truth and embraced social justice for the unborn, such as former abortion rights activist Dr. Bernard Nathanson, co-founder of NARAL (National Abortion Rights Action League).

The brilliant doctor admitted he fabricated figures that 1 million women were getting illegal abortions in America yearly with tens of thousands of women dying. He said he lied, and that the accurate figure was about 98,000 illegal abortions with an average of about 250 deaths for the 25 years before 1973. Ninety percent of these were done not in back alleys but in doctors’ offices!

Norma McCorvey and Sandra Cano were the central figures in legalizing abortion on demand, which today has spiraled into aborting the life of a full-term baby up to the minute of birth and tragically even afterward. Both had their “woke” moment and communicated compassionately that they were “lied to,” “manipulated” and “used.” Both became ardent supporters of justice for the preborn and together dedicated the National Memorial for the Unborn in Chattanooga, Tennessee (built on the site of a former “clinic” where 35,000 abortions had been performed).

McCorvey, “Jane Roe” of Roe v. Wade, said: “I am dedicated to spending the rest of my life undoing the law that bears my name.”

Dr. Alveda King, Martin Luther King Jr.’s niece, is a dear friend who once believed misleading information and later discovered the truth. She gave me a rubberized figure of a 6-week-old “baby” to show girls the human life developing miraculously in their womb. Alveda awakens women to what she calls “black genocide,” as African American women account for 6% of the population but close to 40% of abortions. “Unborn Black Lives Matter!”

Advances in technology enable us to have ringside seats for little babies on their journey. Grainy images have become cutting-edge scans vividly showing viewers the miracle of beautiful thumb-sucking babies with beating hearts turning graceful somersaults in mama’s cozy cocoon.

The author repeatedly made reference to the woman’s right to control her body, but a baby is not just a “part” of the woman’s body like her liver or lungs. The child is a totally separate person with 46 chromosomes, a separate blood system (often different blood type) and unique body parts. He calls for a “safe abortion,” but dismemberment isn’t safe for the baby!

Here’s the deal: Scripture declares, “Open your mouth for the speechless in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction” (Prov. 31:8).

This is our “woke” moment to no longer turn a deaf ear to silent screams and beating hearts but volunteer to cultivate a culture of life. {eoa}

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