Here's the Deal, by Larry Tomczak

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Here’s the Deal

Joel Osteen

Is Joel Osteen Using Double-Talk to Appeal to the Masses?

Here's the Deal

A number of years ago, I was privileged to have a breakfast conversation with the late John Osteen, father of Joel Osteen. I appreciated his forthright style of communicating God’s Word in his weekly television sermons. He always spoke clearly and yet compassionately in conveying the truth of the Scripture. I thanked him for his […]

Larry Tomczak

A No-Spin Appeal to Bill O’Reilly on ‘Killing Jesus’

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Hey, Bill! You’re my main man when it comes to getting excellent news analysis. Your No.1 cable-rated news show for 13 years running continues running in our home. Reading your books and listening to you over the decade has convinced me that we are joined at the hip. The similarities in our Catholic upbringing, our age,

Udonis Haslem and Faith Rein

Pop Culture Celebrates NBA Champion’s Choice to Abort

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Grab a seat. This one is hard to believe. Many newspapers across our country feature a weekly human interest story about newlyweds and how they found love. The New York Times is no different with their “Vows” section. Recently Udonis Haslem, NBA star for the Miami Heat, and his new wife, Faith Rein, were given

Larry Tomczak

10 Tips for How to Live Successfully

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As a Beatle, Paul McCartney wrote and sang “When I’m 64.” It appeared on what many believe is one of the greatest and most creative albums of all time, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. Today Sir Paul is 71 years of age. Don’t wince, but rather identify with one of the closing lines from

Chris Christie

Gov. Christie, People Are Not Born Homosexual

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To the Honorable Gov. of the Great State of New Jersey, Chris Christie: Not long ago I read a profile of you in a national publication. I was impressed with your commitment to your wife, your four children and your Roman Catholic faith. Today, however, I was distressed when I read that you signed a

bride and groom

A-Rod’s Suspension, American Morality and Sex Before Marriage

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As Major League Baseball’s steroid scandal has been in the news, have you noticed how many people are saying it’s critical we abide by the rules of the game? Former MLB Commissioner Fay Vincent said this: “It’s important that he [Bud Selig, the current commissioner] articulates and explains that baseball is doing this to be

counting money

The Truth About the Church’s Fundraising Tactics

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Let’s suppose you are closing out your day with some salsa and chips when you flip on the television. You wince as you witness a repeat performance–not of another episode of Survivor but of a high-powered, high-pressure appeal for money during a talk show on your local Christian station. “Ohhh, the anointing is so strong

Pope Francis

Why We Shouldn’t Judge Pope Francis for Not Judging Gays

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Recently, Pope Francis said the following: “If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?” To be clear, Pope Francis was not condoning homosexual acts, which are contrary to the Bible and Catholic doctrine. But what about his reference to not judging, which is now being

Pensacola Outpouring

Is Unity the Missing Ingredient for the Next Great Awakening?

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“Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. … For there the Lord commanded the blessing—life forevermore” (Ps. 133:1, 3). In more than 40 years of ministry, I have had the privilege of being a part of two genuine awakenings/revivals/moves of God. In the ’70s, amid the Jesus Movement and Charismatic

'The Heat'

Avoiding Raunchy Movies Doesn’t Make You Legalistic

Here's the Deal

Recently my wife and I attended a decent movie when we had an encounter with a Christian woman in the lobby. Making conversation, I inquired what film she was seeing and had to conceal my cringe when she told me the title of the flick. “Are you aware of the content?” I gently inquired, as


The Spirit of Tolerance, Post-Christian America and the Laodicean Church

Here's the Deal

This month, the youth-oriented Relevant magazine, published by Cameron Strang, ran an article on the topic of post-Christian America. Quoting a Barna Group study, the article cited that in America, seven of 10 people describe themselves as Christian. Yet consider the following statistics cited: 57 percent have not read the Bible in the last week 41 percent

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