Here's the Deal, by Larry Tomczak

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Here’s the Deal

Larry Tomczak

Remaking ‘Mary Poppins’ With F-Words…Why Not?

Here's the Deal

With today’s “anything goes” mentality, what’s wrong with using profanity and expletives for emphasis in a movie? Even PG-13 movies for families like Transformers: Dark of the Moon and mischievous television cartoons are spicing things up with f-bombs. Let me ask you something, “Are you paying attention to the frequency of f-word foul mouthery in […]

Larry Tomczak

4 More Reasons to Reject Legalizing Marijuana

Here's the Deal

Editor’s Note: In part 1 of this column, best-selling author Larry Tomczak offered three reasons to reject legalizing marijuana. But those aren’t the only reasons. He continues his “Here’s the Deal” exposé on the illegal drug with four more good reasons why America shouldn’t go to pot. 1. Maintain Maximum Mental Capacity National surveys continue

Larry Tomczak

3 Reasons to Reject Legalizing Marijuana

Here's the Deal

“They just found my daughter dead!” This unexpected and startling revelation jolted my morning. At the mall where I exercise, a middle-aged mother darted from the Starbucks and stammered the above words just a few days ago. “Larry, remember when I asked you to pray for my 27-year-old daughter a couple months ago?” she said.

Larry Tomczak

Young People: Are You Amusing Yourself to Hell?

Here's the Deal

Author’s Note: If you are a parent or a youth pastor, I want to encourage you to screen this and then consider reading it to your teens and youth group. Use discretion and skim over words or sections if you think they’re inappropriate or you feel uncomfortable. Just don’t opt out because you feel it’s

Larry Tomczak

Who Are History’s Top 10 Most Influential People?

Here's the Deal

Most people in our culture today enjoy reading Top 10 lists. USA Today regularly publishes them. David Letterman does it nightly. At this time of the year, Barbara Walters always does her 10 Most Fascinating People television special. Wikipedia’s research and analysis team has now released what they believe is the list of the most significant

Larry Tomczak

How to Save $10K in Today’s Turbulent Times

Here's the Deal

Astronomical federal deficit. Skyrocketing national debt. Obamacare and what lies (no pun intended) ahead. Escalating health care costs. Mushrooming taxes and hidden fees. Downsizing and pension cutbacks. Food and education increases. “Spread the wealth” socialistic policies.  Surviving and even thriving in the midst of today’s economic upheaval is the challenging task we all face. Many

Larry Tomczak

Instilling Thankfulness: 10 Talking Points for Your Thanksgiving Table

Here's the Deal

If you’re like me, you appreciate practical tools to help you in your Christian life. With Thanksgiving approaching, here’s a gift to enable you to cultivate grateful hearts in those with whom you gather.First of all, living in our increasingly secular society, it’s important we remind ourselves of the pertinent facts concerning the holiday of

President Obama

President Obama, Are You Really a Christian?

Here's the Deal

Mr. President, I thank you for this opportunity to share the following with you. After graduating from Cleveland State University, where I was privileged to serve as the president of our student body, I was selected for a post at the AFL-CIO headquarters across the street from the White House, your home. One day I

Larry Tomczak

Obama’s Former Bodyguard: ‘It’s Worse Than People Know’

Here's the Deal

President Obama’s former bodyguard stated last week something many are starting to realize: It’s worse than people know. This man has been privy to the most in-depth conversations in the Oval Office and shudders at what he has heard. To this statement, he added, “I’m not trying to scare you either.” Billy Graham just turned

Larry Tomczak

25 Compelling Reasons to Avoid the Seduction of Adultery

Here's the Deal

It seems not a week goes by where we don’t read the account of some high-profile pastor, politician, celebrity or local leader who has succumbed to the seduction of adultery. Add to this the reports that flow in the office, on the campus or in our neighborhoods, and it makes you just shake your head

Larry Tomczak

Society Deems Teens Welcome at 3-Hour Lesbian Film

Here's the Deal

The smash hit of the Sundance Film Festival, Blue Is the Warmest Color, was given the highest warning a “legitimate” film can get by the MPAA, due to its sexually explicit content concerning a lesbian relationship. Since the MPAA warning is basically a recommendation and not a binding, legal obligation for theater owners to follow, theaters

Hurricane Katrina aftermath

Is a Spiritual Hurricane Katrina Headed Our Way?

Here's the Deal

When I lived in Atlanta, my favorite restaurant was Fuddruckers. I could get an inexpensive and healthy meal plus have a good chat with my manager friend.  One day, he told me something that I’ve never forgotten. He told me he grew up in New Orleans and that every single year for decades, he heard

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