Here's the Deal, by Larry Tomczak

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If You Need a Miracle This Christmas, Read On

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In this beautiful Christmas season, many of us are praying for situations in our family and beyond where a miracle is needed. Years ago, I had the privilege to join with my longtime friend Bob Weiner at his World Conference, where we witnessed firsthand an amazing intervention of God and miraculous healing.

I have shared this account with people over the years to encourage and inspire them to believe God, who tells us, “With God all things are possible” and “All things are possible to him who believes.”

Bob and Rose Weiner and Larry and Doris Tomczak give you this gift to strengthen you and help you pass it along; may God be glorified as His power is once again demonstrated. Here is the story of a man of God, Wesley Steelberg, who was healed—as you can be too.

True Story by Bob Weiner: Wesley Steelberg’s Healing

During these years, Wesley was still pastoring his church in Long Beach. One day, I heard that he had a massive heart attack where over 90% of his heart was damaged and learned he had been in and out of the Eisenhower Medical Center near Palm Springs, California many times and under their care for five years. He had to resign from the church and ministry because of his damaged heart.

Rose and I went to visit Wesley and his wife Earline. He couldn’t even stand up but laid on the couch and he could barely talk. “Hi, Bob,” he said in a whisper.

My wife, Rose, began to prophesy over him. She said, “You will live and not die and you’ll go around the world and preach the gospel, and you will see more souls saved than you have seen in your entire lifetime!”

Wesley was shocked and could barely whisper, “Bob do you believe this?” With all the faith I could muster up I yelled out a big, “Yes!”

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In great faith, Rose and I, and our ministry, had already bought first class tickets for Wesley and his wife to fly all the way from Palm Springs to Dallas/Ft. Worth for our International World Conference happening in a few months.

I handed the tickets to him and his wife and said, “We really want you to come, all your expenses are taken care of!”

By a miracle, he got the strength up and with the help of a nurse and his wife got on a plane to Dallas, Texas. He called me shortly before he left and said, “Bob, Earline keeps telling me that if I come to the conference, it might trigger another heart attack and I will die. I decided that if it is my time to go, I would rather go home to glory at that conference with your youth than be anywhere else.”

At our international conference we had scheduled major speakers, and one of them was Dr. Lester [Sumrall].

For the grand opening, we had over 60 nations from our campuses and our international students dressed in their special national attire who had been won to Christ on our campuses.

They marched into the convention center carrying the flags of their nations as hundreds of young people sang praises to God with a massive choir of hundreds of students. It was televised on TBN.


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I went to the podium and stopped the grand procession. The cameras were still going. I explained to the audience what was going on then I asked Wesley to come to the stage for prayer (which you can imagine was very hard to do since he was in the middle of a heart attack).

I called Lester Sumrall and Larry Tomczak and a few others to come who I knew had the gift of faith and miracles to pray with us. As Larry and I would confess the word, the 4,000 student delegates would repeat after us at full volume! Lester [Sumrall], an older man himself, had been a disciple of Wesley’s mother and father from early [Pentecostalism]. Lester prayed the final prayer of faith.

Immediately, all the pain completely went away and Wesley was fine for the rest of the conference. When he went back to the Eisenhower Medical Center for confirmation and a checkup, he went through x-ray and imaging over and over again and they declared him to be a modern day miracle—he had gotten a brand new heart.

This miracle was documented at the Eisenhower Medical Center and written up in “Evangel” the official publication of the Assembly of God.

After the miracle, he joined our staff and traveled all over the world for many years. He was completely healthy and especially enjoyed going overseas to assist our churches and campus ministries.

The very next year, at the Assembly of God National and World Conference, Wesley Steelberg was asked to speak and share his testimony of the magnificent miracle.

His wife told me that one of the greatest miracles was her ability to keep up with the energy and new pace of her husband.

We give all glory to our Lord Jesus! {eoa}

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