Here's the Deal, by Larry Tomczak

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Father’s Day Feedback: Pride Events Feature Drag Queens, Satanist Pornographer

2022 6 tomczak pride month

Author Ken Blanchard once stated, “Feedback is the Breakfast of Champions.” With Father’s Day approaching, as a fellow dad let me offer what I hope will be helpful information about something celebrated throughout America that is deceptive and dangerous.

I’m speaking of seemingly “harmless” Gay Pride events promoted increasingly in our communities. Posters with families parading, multicolored flags, balloons, music and a festive atmosphere seem innocent and inviting but they camouflage something subtle and seductive that can short-circuit your children and young people’s lives.

A recent Gallup poll found that 7.1% of Americans now identify as LGBTQ—a 100% increase over 2012 and a 26% increase over 2021. What’s more alarming is that George Barna last year found that among those ages 18–24, a shocking 39% self-identify as LGBTQ. Gay pride events are a contributing factor.

In Washington D.C., Atlanta and Nashville, I’ve attended approximately 15 Pride events. My purpose was to extend love and engage broken, confused, lonely and even suicidal people who desperately seek someone who cares. They project the image of gaiety in coming together with their LGBTQ “family” reinforcing their homosexual, lesbian and transgender “alternative lifestyle.”

Danger Ahead
Recently in as far away a place as Pine County, Minnesota, preparations were underway with posters proclaiming the upcoming gay pride event. As the old Neil Diamond song said, “Pack up the babies and grab the old ladies and everyone goes,” right?

Not so fast.

Seems like one of the featured headliners was actually a man using a female name, taking on a drag identity! Looking deeper it was discovered that he’s an amateur pornographer whose film depicts incest fantasies with his “little brother” which by the way is a serious crime worthy of 10 years in prison.

The featured performer is also a self-proclaimed Satanist who raised donations for the Satanic Temple.

Family Friendly?

Last week, D.C. Talk’s (Christian rock trio) Kevin Max (whose teen daughter proclaimed she’s now a lesbian), proudly endorsed Gay Pride events. At the same time, rapidly declining and increasingly LGBTQ promoting USA Today featured a half-page article entitled, “Do Pride events need to be family friendly?” The homosexual who wrote the promotional piece wants to abolish the “double standard” allowing straight folks to be affectionate in public while gays face “bigotry and discrimination.”

Steven Porter, who wrote the USA Today piece, said, “So when someone says Pride should be family friendly, they often are trying to sanitize queer spaces without recognizing that their sanitizer was formulated by the very same heteronormativity (whatever that is?!) that Pride exists to reject. Our rituals of celebration and protest have never been about pursuing palatability. They have always been about making ourselves visible and asserting the dignity that society has sought to withhold.”

The author makes room for those who choose not to come to Pride events, comparing it to not participating in St. Patrick’s Day parades. “Not every parade needs to be a comfortable space for each and every nuclear family.”

My Experiences

Gay Pride events began with a day then a weekend then a week and then Obama with his “fundamental transformation of America” made his proclamation establishing June as “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month.”

Now we have Biden’s Official White House Proclamation:

“Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex Pride Month 2022.” In his shocking statement, he tells us that “transgender affirmative healthcare” is now a human right and we are to guard against “dangerous” legislation opposed to it (namely laws being introduced that protect our children from hormones, puberty blockers, drugs and life-altering surgery removing girls’ breasts and boys’ genitalia without parental consent at taxpayers’ expense.

His intention with the radicalized “progressives” is to eventually criminalize those upholding traditional morality on sexuality, marriage and family.

Strolling the grounds and mingling with the crowds at a gay pride event, I guard my eyes from anything unclean and believe God for “divine appointments.” I follow my spiritual radar and, like Jesus noticed Nathaniel “under the fig tree” (John 1:48), I look for individuals who look sad or are by themselves.

I’ll not sugarcoat or “sanitize” what takes place and Pride events vary in what happens. Things intensify as night falls just as Jesus explained (John 3:19-20) as they “parade their sin like Sodom” (Isa. 3:9 EHV).

There can be blushing attire, nudity, profanity, drag queens, debauchery, drugs, drunkenness and overt displays of sensuality that is brazen and unashamed. Vendors and booths feature graphic literature and propaganda intended to educate and entice especially unsuspecting, easily influenced youth.

And, of course, there are “Christian” ministers and their smiling assistants seducing the unsuspecting to attend one of their “welcoming, inclusive, nonjudgmental” services.

“The prudent man sees danger and hides himself; the fool goes on and suffers for it” (Prov.22:3).

5 Action Steps
Communicating the transformative message of the gospel is a directive, not an elective. But it’s not necessarily God’s will for everyone to evangelize at gay pride events. There are levels of maturity in the Christian experience and we must take into consideration pitfalls, parental counsel and pastoral accountability.

So, here are five ways to be involved using the acronym P.R.I.D.E.:

P – Pray at the event or remain behind the scenes interceding for the workers and those God wants to reach.

R – Relate wisely and compassionately to rejected, abused people for whom Jesus died and whom Satan has deceived.

I – Invest time in advance being equipped to help broken people understand forgiveness and the freedom found in Jesus Christ . (Check out the five 20-minute FREE “Loving Lifestyle Evangelism” videos on YouTube today.)

D – Demonstrate God’s love in practical ways to connect with people (giving water, listening attentively, loving their child).

E – Evangelize those the Holy Spirit directs you to in order to help them find pardon for their sins and put them on the path to abundant and eternal life!

Here’s the Deal: As Father’s Day approaches, remember that multitudes drift into the LGBTQ lifestyle because of fatherlessness and neglect or abuse from a dad. Those ensnared in this lifestyle represent a major mission field of hurting people searching and desperate for relationship with the living God. A woman in our former Atlanta church lived as a lesbian for 42 years until she heard the gospel; now she reaches out to multitudes.

Will you join with us, aware that “the mass of humanity live lives of quiet desperation”? {eoa}

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