Here's the Deal, by Larry Tomczak

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Pride Month Warning: Beelzebub Blew Up Boy Scouts

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Bible-believing Christians understand the dark spiritual forces behind the collapse of the 114-year-old Boy Scouts of America. Beelzebub (“ruler of the demons” (Matt. 12:24) orchestrated his “woke” strategy, and the tottering organization hangs by a thread, now rebranding itself as “Scouting America.” In 1972 when America’s population was about 200 million, there were 5 million

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Biden’s Desperate Ploys: Derail Trump, Decriminalize Dope

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Recently, a desperate and unprincipled President Joe Biden (whose own son nearly destroyed his life due to addiction to marijuana and cocaine) appeared on the often-degenerate Howard Stern radio show in an attempt to salvage his sinking political campaign. Trying to appear cool and attract younger voters after his unconstitutional student loan forgiveness failure, the

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Reagan’s America Funded Israel’s Iron Dome, Biden Blocked It

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Iran, the world’s leading terrorist nation (which previously held Americans hostage for 444 days until President Ronald Reagan secured their release), recently rained down 120 ballistic missiles, 170 drones and 30 cruise missiles on Israel. It was an unprecedented direct attack following its previous Hamas proxy attack on Oc. 6, 2023, which killed 1163 people

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20 Reasons We’re Saying No to ‘4 More Years’

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On the wall of my study, I have a letter from one legendary leader who had a major influence on my life, Chuck Colson. It hangs above an autographed picture from President Ronald Reagan. Colson was a champion in evangelical Christianity, founder of Prison Fellowship and former White House hatchet man before he converted to

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Larry Tomczak’s Week in Review: Don’t Drink the Kool-Aid in These 5 Areas

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America is unraveling before our very eyes! As we are approaching the most important election in the history of America, we all need to demonstrate powerful discernment so we’re not gullible to the propaganda and lies that are bombarding us daily. Breaking News. Spirit-Filled Stories. Subscribe to Charisma on YouTube now! Biden. Broadcasting. Baby-killing. Backing

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