1000 Intercessors Offer 10 Major Prophetic Insights About What God’s Doing in America Right Now

Anne Graham Lotz, center, with Doris and Larry Tomczak.

Revered international evangelist Dr. Billy Graham is 98 and still maintains that the “best preacher in the family” is his beautiful daughter, Anne Graham Lotz. As the chairwoman of this year’s “National Day of Prayer” on May 4, she took time to unite with over 1000 intercessors on a nationwide prayer call sponsored by Intercessors for America ministry.

I had the honor of being a part of this significant time the day after returning from the 29th Roundtable hosted by Rick Joyner, prophetic leader in the body of Christ. This annual gathering of senior leaders convenes to “hear what the Spirit says to the churches” (Rev.2:29b), as well as build our bonds of friendship.

“What happened?” “What was God saying?” “What do we need to know to keep step with the Spirit?” people ask.

Here are 10 significant points I gleaned from these two important events. 

First Friday National Prayer Call

Intercessors for America was birthed out of the ministry of Derek Prince over four decades ago to foster prayer and fasting for our nation. On the first Friday of every month, we host a nationwide prayer conference call featuring a prominent Christian leader.

Here are five “gleanings” from our recent intercessory prayer time.

1. Under the sovereignty of God, history is in the hands of the intercessors.

With America dangerously close to the precipice, we’ve experienced divine intervention, but this breathing room must not be an excuse for complacency or passivity. Darkness is being exposed in the political realm, and spiritual forces will remain aggressive to try to retain power and maintain demonic strongholds. Our sacred responsibility is to be offensive, not merely defensive, in dislodging these entities.

2. Three things can provoke God’s judgment on America: abortion on demand, abandonment of Israel and homosexual marriage. Christians must remain engaged through prayer and repentance, proclamation of the gospel to change human hearts and godly persuasion with biblical truth.

3. As we saw with Abraham and Noah in Scripture, God reveals to His people what is on His heart so we can pray and act accordingly. These are dangerous and strategic times, requiring us to be like Daniel in his generation in order to see true spiritual awakening in our land.

4. Anne Graham Lotz is of the conviction that we are “nearing the end of human history.” Our duty is to be like the “sons of Issachar, those having understanding of times and what Israel should do …” (1 Chron.12:32a). Prayerful study of the Word of God is more important than ever before.

5. God recognizes Jerusalem as the center of the Jewish nation, and the United States must honor her. We should pray that the U.S. Embassy be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem as a prophetic statement of this reality. There is legislation being put forth to accomplish this significant event that will inflame the Arab world and politicians who are favorable towards Islam, whose goal is world domination.

Prophetic Roundtable Convocation

Gathering in Fort Mill, South Carolina, at the Morning Star Ministries home base, a nucleus of leaders have gathered for 29 years. Without any set agenda, our fervent desire is to deepen relationships and interact humbly to understand what God wants in our generation. “For after David had served by the counsel of God in his own generation, he fell asleep …”(Acts 13:36a).

Over 30 years ago, British leader Arthur Wallis challenged me with these words: “If you would do the best with your life, find out what God is doing in your generation and fling yourself into it.” I am in attendance to hear from my fellow brothers and sisters whom I so love and respect in order to do just this.

6. Currently, we are living in critical times, where God intervened and delivered a disruptive administration, shaking things up with the “wrecking ball” and “street fighter” we needed. America has been given an opportunity to “drain the swamp” of lawlessness and corruption to recapture our heritage that is under demonic assault.

7. Our priority remains the Great Commission: to make disciples of our nation and not merely comfortable converts. Through initiatives in education like charter schools, vouchers and tools like the Bullseye Challenge, we have a wide open door to rescue a generation as we learn to effectively and winsomely communicate a biblical worldview on today’s hot button issues.

8. Aware that God blesses many things that He doesn’t inhabit, we must resist the lure of trying to gain followers by clever marketing rather than courageously heralding the truth in a charitable yet uncompromising way. One leader mentioned how God rebuked him early on in his ministry with these words: “You’re not building churches, you’re simply establishing franchises!”

9. Although the gathering is intended for Spirit-led discussion rather than intercession, one evening, we were “hijacked” by the Holy Spirit into a lengthy time of strong intercession. Some of the areas covered were protection of our president and his family; the defunding of Planned Parenthood for slaughtering innocent babies and its genocide of African-Americans; dismantling of principalities behind media outlets despising godly change and misleading the masses; exposure of radical Islamic terrorism and its strategies; recognizing God re-calibrating individuals and ministries with His unique “alignments and assignments;” and recognizing and resisting progressives’ push towards globalism, undermining state’s rights and individual freedom.

10. We as Christians must be prepared to speak the truth charitably and courageously, and not get drawn into contentious, angry debate. We must cultivate the fruit of the Spirit, especially peace, remembering “the God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet” (Rom.16:20a).

Here’s the deal: We have all witnessed in the past decade parallels in the decline of both the church and the military in America. Promotion of ill-equipped individuals, departure of competent leaders, silence from those who should speak up and the “gayification” of both entities have left a vacuum God intends to fill today.

Are you a candidate? Start by involvement in this week’s “Esther Fast” initiative from Wednesday evening to Saturday evening. Get equipped to speak up on today’s controversial issues. It’s time to get off the bench and get in the game!

“For the eyes of the Lord move about on all the earth to strengthen the heart that is completely toward Him” (2 Chron. 16:9a). {eoa}

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