Benham Brothers Beseech Christians to Resist This Demonic Agenda

The Benham Brothers

“They conspire together against the life of the righteous and condemn innocent blood to death” (Ps. 94:21).

Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest provider of abortion, and the Democratic Party have joined hands in a new, strategic unity to fight against the unborn.

Gone is the decade’s old mantra of making abortion “safe, legal and rare.” Today, there’s a new strategy of appreciation, celebration and even forced participation.

The Democrats welcomed Cecile Richards, director of Planned Parenthood, to their convention to unveil this new way forward as she used the term “abortion” three times in her speech. There’s no more conveniently dodging the word anymore—it’s being warmly embraced by the party.

What came out of her mouth on stage and in interviews following was nothing more than a newspeak way of “condemning the innocent to death.”

First, she shed the label, “pro-choice,” for more appealing labels like “reproductive rights” and “women’s health care.” We’ve seen the Democrats and Planned Parenthood use these terms before, but now the strategy is clear: Out with choice, in with reproductive rights and health care.

But what hypocrisy?! “Women’s health care”—seriously? When a Texas law was passed that called for abortion clinics to meet minimal health and safety standards—the same standards even veterinary clinics meet—Planned Parenthood vehemently opposed it.

The “health-care” label is nothing more than a shrewd cover-up for dismembering innocent children in any unhealthy or unsafe facility that will perform the procedure.

And what about unborn women? Do they have “rights”? Should they receive “women’s health care”? They, too, have all the organs in place that will allow them to reproduce, so what about their “reproductive rights”?

Maybe Cecile will eventually convince Democrats to push for harvesting unborn reproductive organs as well. She’s already harvesting kidneys, livers and lungs.

But the fight doesn’t stop here. With new terms in place, the Democrats and Planned Parenthood will seek to repeal both the Hyde and Helms Amendments. These laws restrict taxpayer-funded abortions domestically and internationally.

Richards said, “The Hyde amendment hurts women. For too long this country has punished low-income women seeking abortion, forcing those who have the least to pay the most to access care.”

Did you see that? This country is “forcing those who have the least to pay the most to access care.”

This accusation against our country is exactly what she intends to do—force participation in abortion through taxpayer-funded care.

And don’t miss the use of words here—care is not really care, but a choice to dismember an unwanted child.

So in today’s Democratic Party, not only do they demand appreciation and celebration for abortion, but now they seek to force participation in it. Planned Parenthood simply helps to provide the muscle.

Next is the concealed rage that is clearly evident behind the veil. After being exposed for harvesting baby parts on the black market, Cecile Richards and Planned Parenthood not only dodged the punches but swung back with a fury.

As Richards stood on the House floor to defend Planned Parenthood’s exposure, she received texts of support from around the country. One text, in particular, caught our attention as reported by the Washington Post: “May the rage of women through the centuries center you as you go into this.

We have to stop here and simply state a Bible verse that reveals where this type of rage ultimately comes from:

“Therefore rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them! Woe unto the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short” (Rev. 12:12).

Cecile Richards, Planned Parenthood and now even the Democratic Party have no clue that the fury of Satan rages through their policies on abortion, because he comes to “rob, kill, and destroy.” And he does it through people willing to give him access. They have simply become willing dupes in his hand.

It sounds harsh, but it’s true. When Richards says, “We need to challenge or repeal every single restriction that is out there,” what she’s really saying is, “We need to do everything we can to rob, kill and destroy as many unborn children as possible in this country.”

But there’s always hope, as long as there is breath. Turning back to God can change everything. This is our prayer for Cecile, Planned Parenthood and the Democratic Party.

Until then, while we reach out to supporters of abortion with compassion we must resist their agenda with courage. Planned Parenthood and the Democratic Party have joined hands together in a strengthened unity that will require unflappable courage to defeat. Those of us willing to reach out and resist need to buckle up and remember our biblical duty, which is not a suggestion:

“Open your mouth for the speechless, in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction. Open your mouth, judge righteously, and defend the rights of the afflicted and needy” (Prov. 31:8-9).

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