3 Supernatural Keys to Natural Weight Loss

measuring tape

Two significant enemies of the physical and psychological health of millions of Americans today are obesity and depression. In fact, obesity and depression often go hand in hand. An estimated 25 percent to 30 percent of obese patients who seek weight-reduction treatment suffer from depression or other psychological disturbances.

Because both obesity and depression are common conditions, it’s often difficult to determine if one is related to the other or if the person afflicted with both conditions simply has two common problems, occurring simultaneously, but totally unrelated to each other. Statisticians refer to this as “association vs. causation.”

When an obese person is also depressed, it helps to know if the obesity is merely associated with the depression or if there is a cause-and-effect relationship. If the answer is one of causation, the depression must be addressed as part of the overall approach to weight loss.

Why is it that it’s nearly impossible to succeed in losing weight in the face of untreated depression? Because eating behavior and the attitude toward exercise are both influenced by depression.

Depression leads to overeating when food is used to soothe its symptoms. And depression destroys motivation, which is so necessary to prompt regular exercise. To make matters worse, depression can be triggered by repeated failures with weight-loss plans, an experience common to most people who have attempted to lose weight.

So the dieter subjects himself to cycles of hope and despair, which are powerful triggers for depression. The initial hope that this will be the diet, this will be the program, this will be the plan that finally works is ultimately destroyed by failing to reach the goal.

When failure is internalized, the result is a damaged sense of self-worth: “I not only am overweight; I also am an overweight failure.”

Causes and Cures of Obesity

Though it is clear that depression can be triggered by events such as the death of a loved one, divorce or the cycle of hope and despair so often experienced by the dieter, the actual cause of depression remains unknown. However, we do know that several factors are linked to the development of depression:

Depression tends to run in families and is more common in women, which suggests a genetic predisposition.

Social factors play a role. People who have secure and stable relationships are less likely to become depressed than those who do not.

The significance of healthy relationships in protecting against depression is confirmed by international data, which show a low incidence of depression in cultures where there are strong community and family ties.

There is evidence that an imbalance in the levels of neurotransmitters contributes to the development of depression.

Grief following the death of a spouse often leads to depression.

Major illness increases the likelihood of depression. The depressive disorders are two to three times more common in nursing-home residents, hospitalized patients and patients with chronic medical problems.

Drugs have been developed as one form of treatment for depression. One category of antidepressant drugs is called “serotonin-reuptake inhibitors.” These alter the brain’s concentration of the neurotransmitter serotonin.

Some of the drugs in this particular class were found to have an interesting side effect: They suppress the appetite. This gives credence to the theory that mood and eating behavior are linked.

If we accept this theory, then it’s easy to conclude that the best way to treat both depression and obesity is with medications. Though medications may work well, they are not the only forms of therapy to consider. For example, behavioral therapy and psychotherapy–for groups or individuals–are also quite effective and do not require the use of drugs.

I personally believe that, for the Christian, the best form of therapy is a personal choice—to experience joy.


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