Whose Authority Will the New King Represent? God or the People?

2023 5 prince charles2

prince charles2On May 6, millions will tune-in to watch the coronation of King Charles III, an event that last took place 70 years ago. The coronation’s magnificent display of royalty excites people and is expected to attract up to 300 million spectators.

Many of the coronation traditions find their roots in biblical symbolism; however, some important aspects of the ceremony have departed from the biblical foundation.

King Charles will swear an oath on a Bible before God, as he becomes the official head of the Church of England. During the coronation, King Charles will be presented with the Soverign’s Orb, a golden globe topped with a cross, which reminds the king that his power is derived from God. These traditions serve as great reminders that God is the true King, who has the ultimate authority.

While the biblical reality is clear, that all kings are subject to God’s authority, not all kings actually submit to that reality. King Charles’ coronation ceremony will include a new detail for the first time in history that is concerning for many. The king’s coronation ceremony will include a pledge of allegiance to the king himself and his future heirs.

This call for allegiance has not been well-received by many in England and for good reason. Clearly, this pledge departs from the biblical example, as our full allegiance is only to the one true God. The invitation to swear an oath of allegiance to King Charles stands as a stark reminder that we are not to bow to earthly kings, but only to the Lord.

Throughout history, it has been common for kings to place themselves above the law. King Saul was one such king who acted above the law and even made multiple attempts to kill an innocent man. In contrast, King David stands as a landmark example of a king who did submit to God’s true authority, when he repented following the correction from the prophet Nathaniel. As Christ-followers, we can rest assured that God is sovereign whether or not kings submit to Him. After all, as Proverbs 21 says, “the king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord.”

King Charles’ coronation will include another aspect that represents a departure from past coronations and the biblical example: a multi-faith display of unity. The ceremony will include greetings from leaders and representatives of Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and Sikhism.

We must aspire to be like the sons of Issachar, who understood the times and knew what Israel should do. We must look beyond the headlines to see the truth and seek the Lord for what to do.

King Charles’ embracing of other religions is concerning, along with past statements, such as his praises for multi-faith unity in his 2022 Christmas-day message. Together these words and actions indicate that King Charles III is far less committed to the Christian faith than his mother, who talked openly about her personal faith, gave overtly Christian messages and referred to the life of Jesus Christ as an inspiration and an anchor in her life.

Some even consider the king’s affinity for multi-faith unity as a step toward establishing the one-world religion as prophesied in the book of Revelation.

King Charles has already been greeted by protestors, something his mother, Queen Elisabeth II did not experience. Protestors are doing so with signs and chanting in unison, “Not my king.” Some are even calling for the end of the monarchy and pushing for an elected head of state. Many are not happy with the £100 million price tag for the coronation, paid for by tax payers, rather than the royal family.

King Charles will be anointed with oil and physically crowned as king, similar to the kings of Israel in the Bible. The display of biblical symbolism throughout the coronation certainly provides each one of us with an opportunity to turn conversations to the King of kings, Jesus Christ, and His imminent return.

The Bereans of Acts 17 received the apostles’ teaching with all eagerness, but examined the Scriptures for themselves to evaluate the truth about what was shared. In the same way, we must evaluate what we see before us with a clear biblical lens to understand what is true and what is not.

The coronation serves as a strong reminder that we serve the one true King of heaven and earth. While the true spiritual significance of the coronation event remains to be seen, it is evident we are living in a time when something significant is unfolding right before our eyes. {eoa}

Learn more about the king’s coronation in Howard’s latest podcast episode available here, and also from his latest YouTube video.

Ryan Howard is the host of the Cutting Edge Faith podcast and is the author of 21 Days to a Spirit-Led Life. Ryan speaks about faith for everyday life and the truth behind the headlines in culture today. He has spoken at churches in the US and Brazil. He works in global procurement and manufacturing and has visited over 20 countries, worked with nearly 200 businesses and coached over 50 leaders. He holds a Ph.D. in Biblical Studies and has earned degrees in engineering and business. Ryan lives in Iowa with his wife Bruna and their son, John. Learn more at ryanshoward.com.

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