Ukrainian Pastor Tells Sid Roth: ‘God Is Sending Angels to Protect Us’

2022 3 Ukrainian angels

Karen Zelfimein, a pastor in Odessa, Ukraine, said he believes that God is sending angels to protect his country that was invaded by Russian troops a little more than a week ago.

Zelfimein told It’s Supernatural!’s Sid Roth that he has heard several reports of God’s divine intervention in helping to save many of his countrymen over the past week. As the Ukraine continues to suffer the devastating effects of war, he believes that prayer from around the globe for that country will see it through to a glorious end.

“I’ve heard a couple of stories of people looking up in the sky and seeing clouds in the shape of angels,” Zelfimein says. “But more importantly, in that very moment, they said they were so encouraged. They felt someone’s presence so tangible and comforting.

“I believe God does that to encourage people in times of difficulties and devastation. A lot of people are under fear and they don’t know what will happen from one day to the next. I believe that those visitations are signs that He’s saying He loves them and that he’s sending angels to protect them.”

During the interview, Roth was quick to point out Romans 8:31 said, “If God is for you, if you have come to have experiential knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, then who can be against You?”

Zelfimein wholeheartedly agreed and told another miraculous story of a group of Ukrainian soldiers that were spared due to God’s intervention. And, afterward, many of those soldiers gave their lives to Christ.

“A brother from our church in Odessa, a lieutenant in the Ukrainian army, called and said his men were sitting in hiding and looking out to see where an enemy attack would come from,” Zelfimein said. “He said, ‘all of a sudden, I felt the urgency to pray.’ He heard God speaking to him, ‘Take your men and leave this place, this very location.’

“As soon as he and his men relocated to a different place, rockets and fire opened on that spot where they were. That very spot was bombed and destroyed. It’s amazing how God does miracles and protects. Before, they were not listening to the Word of God, not paying attention much to Jesus. But now they are praying and asking the Lord to come into their lives.”

Roth asked, “Does this remind anyone of the Six-Day War in Israel (in 1967), when against all odds, Israel survived and is now thriving?”

Zelfimein says he’s heard reports of death and destruction, but also of new life. There are, he says, 150,000 people living in the subways of Kiev and, in the last seven days, 47 children have been born in the subways.

“Despite the death, war, devastation and destruction, there is life, and it’s all God’s hand,” Zelfimein says.

Zelfimein says he’s also heard reports of miraculous events on the battlefield, sparked by prayer, that have saved many Ukrainian soldiers and civilians.

“We have heard stories of the immense Russian army,” Zelfimein says. “People are praying and we hear stories about Russian tanks that have stopped in the middle of the fields or somewhere near the Ukrainian village because they ran out of gas. This really amazes me because they have been preparing for this war for many months. Incidents like that have not happened just once. We’ve heard of many, many places where they have run out of gas. Even one of their ships in the sea and they ran out of fuel and they were contacting the nearby cargo ship and asking for fuel. They were denied because of their aggression toward Ukraine. That Russian ship stopped in the middle of the sea. It’s the hand of God.”

Keeping those stories in mind, please continue to pray for God’s divine protection over Ukraine from the Russian invasion. God is on the throne, not Russian President Vladimir Putin. {eoa}

Shawn A. Akers is the online editor for Charisma Media.

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