Queen Elizabeth’s Faith Causes Her to Stand Against Abominable Sin

Queen Elizabeth warned against legalized gay marriage.

Queen Elizabeth II did not approve of gay-marriage legislation in the United Kingdom, according to a report.  

The Daily Mail reports the queen supported civil unions, but was opposed to defining same-sex couples’ relationships as a marriage.  

The UK legalized gay marriage almost two years ago after a fierce debate, according to The Telegraph. 

“I can only advise and warn,” the queen reportedly said. As queen, Elizabeth is the head of state, but she is unable to make and pass legislation.  

Queen Elizabeth detailed her faith in her new book, The Servant Queen and the King She Serves, which is due out in April.  

“So to have a monarch who talks openly about Jesus in a very relaxed and natural way, we find that a huge encouragement and hope that Christians across the country will take a leaf out of the queen’s book and learn to talk about Jesus in a natural way with friends, relatives and colleagues so people can discover more about what it means to be a follower of Jesus,” co-author Catherine Butcher, from HOPE, told premier.org.

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