Franklin Graham on Abedini Marriage: There Are Two Sides to Every Story

Franklin Graham meets up with Saeed Abedini.

While rumors circulate about has happened in the marriage between newly freed Saeed Abedini and his wife Naghmeh, Franklin Graham says he knows one thing for certain.  

“Not everything that has been reported in the media is true,” Graham posted on Facebook.  

This week, Naghmeh filed a domestic relations case—that is, a legal separation—saying she wanted legal protection for her children if Saeed chose to end the marriage. 

Graham has been a strong advocate for the Abedinis during Saeed’s imprisonment and persecution in Iran.  

“While we rejoice at his new freedom, we now lift him and his wife Naghmeh to the Lord for healing in their marriage,” Graham posted. “Other than God, no one knows the details and the truth of what has happened between Saeed and Naghmeh except them. There’s an old saying that there are at least two sides to every story.” 

Naghmeh says Saeed abused her emotionally, physically and sexually through his pornography addiction.  

Saeed has not publicly commented on his marriage.  

“As a minister of the Gospel, I have tried to be a friend to both and to assist them in getting Saeed home and in getting access to any help that they may need. Clearly, there is a great need for prayer for their relationship and their family. God has answered prayer by bringing about Saeed’s release from prison, and now, Satan would like nothing more than to continue to destroy their lives. It is my prayer that this will not happen,” Graham posted.

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