Empowered21 is set to host an Inaugural Congress in London.

Empowered21: God Is Preparing Hearts in Europe for an Awakening


Empowered21 has announced an inaugural European Congress (London 2016) to be held in London May 11-13, 2016. London 2016 will be the first Empowered21 regional event held in Europe. The event will be held in the historic Gaumont State Theater, which is currently occupied by Ruach City Church.

“We believe God is preparing the hearts of those in Europe for an awakening of the Holy Spirit,” said Empowered21 President and Global Co-Chair William M. Wilson. “It is our prayer that this Congress will allow thousands of European citizens and refugees to experience the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.”

London 2016 will bring together world-renowned Spirit-empowered speakers and worship artists for a three-day Pentecost celebration. Afternoon sessions will incorporate new e-talks on each of the following topics: “New Neighbors-Migrant Opportunities,” “Amazing Grace,” “Raising a Family in the 21st Century,” “Healing and Miracles Today,” “Real Talk With the Next Generation” and “Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit.” A discipleship training seminar and a Next Gen Emerging Leaders meeting will also be held during the Congress.

Additionally, a pre-congress scholar’s consultation will host distinguished global scholars from premier universities around the globe to collaborate in addressing grace and the Spirit-empowered movement in the 21st-century church.

“The Pentecostal movement experienced a turning point in Jerusalem at the Empowered21 Global Congress,” said Empowered21 Europe Cabinet Co-chair and Ruach City Church Bishop John Francis. “Church leaders from across Europe have been challenged to empower the next generation.”

Registration is now open for London 2016, which will occur during the week of Pentecost. The Empowered21 Global Council and members of the Europe Cabinet have invited believers from around the world to attend the conference.


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