Apologist: Islam 2nd-Worst Thing That’s Happened to Humanity

Islamic State

The nation watched in horror last week as ISIS terrorists beheaded an American Christian journalist, videotaping the gruesome killing as an open threat to the world that ISIS intends to establish a Muslim caliphate that will hold absolute rule.

As many Western politicians and religious leaders continue to perpetrate the propaganda that Islam is a religion of peace, noted culture expert and author Alex McFarland says that not only is Islam not a peaceful religion but it is also the second-worst thing to happen to humanity, behind the fall of mankind.

“Kids are taught in schools today that Islam is one of the three great Abrahamic faiths, alongside Christianity and Judaism,” McFarland said, “but for the past 1,400 years, Islam has perpetrated terror across the globe, with the goal not of peace but of dominance and the eradication or enslavement of all who disagree.

“In 732, Muslim forces invaded Europe, and only because the Franks stood up to them and turned them back did Islam not infiltrate Europe. In the 16th century during the Ottoman-Habsburg Wars, the Islamic Ottomans again set their sights on the West—not to bring peace but to bring absolute Islamic rule. And only because Christians stood up militarily to the Ottomans were they defeated.

“Last century, Islamic Turks, the successors to the Ottoman Empire, unleashed unbridled genocide against the Armenian people, slaughtering more than a million before they were stopped.

“And today, in our post-9/11 world, this supposed religion of peace is boasting of beheading an American as it tells non-Muslims throughout Iraq ‘Convert, pay a fine or die.’

“When you consider that this is a battle that’s been raging since the birth of Islam in 622, you realize the reality that Islam is the second worst thing to happen to humanity since the Fall of Mankind in the Garden of Eden.”

McFarland added that Islam was started as a perversion of Judeo-Christian concepts, and since its inception, it has sought to eradicate by any means, including violence, populations that do not submit to Islamic teachings.

“As our nation’s leaders foolishly turn a blind eye to the very real threats of Islam, somewhere a young Islamic man is praying to Allah that he can perpetrate another 9/11, but on an even larger scale.  The reality is Islam is not peaceful; Islam is not assimilating with the West, and Islam cannot be negotiated with. There is nothing honorable about Islam. Islamic leaders break treaties and truces, and they want to break the backs of all freedom-loving and God-worshipping people.

“To our nation’s leaders and educators, the call is urgent: Please call truth, truth. To the church, we must fast and pray for the conversion of the Islamic world. And to America and the world, we must recognize that the peace we need comes only from Christ. Our temporal hope includes wise foreign policy, but our ultimate hope is only in Jesus.”

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