With Repulsive Planned Parenthood Revelations, Can We Defund the Abortion Industry Now?

The time has come to defund Planned Parenthood.

Many pro-life advocates saw last week’s abortion industry scandal involving a top Planned Parenthood official who was recorded casually talking over dinner about the sale of unborn babies’ body parts as a chance to expose the gruesome business of abortion.

Among them was GOP Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, who told Breitbart News that, if elected, he would vow to defund the abortion giant, stating, “Planned Parenthood has proven to be a repulsive, revolting, stomach-churning enterprise that should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Destroying innocent human life and harvesting human organs is beyond barbaric—it is unimaginably immoral, grotesque and evil.”

Southern Evangelical Seminary (SES) President Dr. Richard Land says the outrage is warranted, since for far too long—Roe v. Wade legalized abortion on demand 42 years ago—Americans have turned a blind eye to the sickening underbelly of abortion that steals so much from American families. The video, he says, and its disgustingly matter-of-fact language, graphically illustrates that abortion providers have a low regard for human life as they so casually talk about the crushing of tiny hearts and lungs.   

“One more year cannot pass when we sit by as a nation and wait for the 43rd anniversary of Roe v. Wade,” Land said. “Nearly 60 million babies aborted—never to live up to their full, God-given potential—is a shameful page in our history. While the pro-life movement is making great strides and tireless work is being done, Americans must become more passionate about this shameful and guilty mark on our landscape. This repulsive video exposing the evils of abortion giant Planned Parenthood might just be the catalyst this country needs. Will this be the year we finally secure the legal protections of humanity and citizenship for our unborn citizens?”

Over recent years, more Americans have been forced into conversations about the evils of abortion, Land added, especially with the much-publicized charges against and subsequent 2013 guilty verdict of abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell and his “House of Horrors” in the Philadelphia area.

“Both the blood curdling stories of Dr. Gosnell’s ‘House of Horrors’ abortion clinic and the casual, emotionless tone used by Dr. Deborah Nucatola, then senior director of Medical Services for Planned Parenthood, illustrate the extent to which wholesale abortion on demand is desensitizing our whole society concerning the sacredness of every human life, from conception to natural death and at all points in between.”

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