Why Hillary Clinton’s ‘Scheme’ to Vilify Trump Failed Miserably

2020 10 Hillary Clinton

President Trump has authorized the declassification of all the documents pertaining to the Russia hoax and Hillary Clinton’s emails.

On today’s Jay Sekulow Live, we discussed President Trump’s move to declassify all documents related to the Russia hoax and Clinton email documents. This is major news that will have enormous repercussions for the deep state.

Over the last few weeks, we have learned that the U.S. intelligence community had picked up Russian intelligence that said Clinton was planning to accuse Russia of working in tandem with the Trump campaign and claim they were the reason her server was hacked. This was all meant to distract from the fact that she was using a private email server to conduct business, which violated all these policies.

We now know that Russian intelligence discovered that not only were they going to get blamed, but that the whole idea of the Trump campaign working with them was put together by someone on Clinton’s foreign policy staff to distract from the email issue.

We’ve called this a hoax the entire time. In our outside capacity as President Trump’s attorneys, we’ve lived it. We went through the special counsel’s investigation and report. We went through the impeachment. We’re seeing people like Congressman Adam Schiff, D-Mass., and former FBI Agent Peter Stzrok on television saying the president was a Russian agent.

It appears that the source of this entire Russia hoax, even prior to Christopher Steele and before former Stzrok knew about any of this, was just a rumor started by Clinton’s campaign staff. A rumor that by all appearances, Clinton approved. It got to the level where CIA Director Brennan was actually going to President Obama and former FBI Director Jim Comey with that information. We even have Brennan’s notes.

This week, President Trump tweeted:

“I have fully authorized the total Declassification of any & all documents pertaining to the single greatest political CRIME in American History, the Russia Hoax. Likewise, the Hillary Clinton Email Scandal. No redactions!

You don’t do that as president if you are not 100% confident. President Trump has shown that he is throughout this entire Russia ordeal, calling the entire thing a hoax. This declassification—which the president is fully authorized to do—should only serve to shed more light on the corruption and hijinks.

This is President Trump at his best, and it’s going to shake Washington, D.C., to its core.

We were also joined by Senate Judiciary Committee member Sen. Marsha Blackburn, who talked about the confirmation process for Supreme Court Nominee Amy Coney Barrett, which will begin next week.

The full broadcast is complete with much more discussion about the ramifications of the declassification of all the documents pertaining to the Russia hoax and Clinton’s emails, as well as an in-depth conversation with Blackburn.

For the original article, visit aclj.org.

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