What You Need to Know About the Reality at the Border

images 2021 1 Border Reality ACLJ Reuters James Breeden

As the tragic situation on the southern border of the United States continues, the Biden administration continues to deny the reality of what is actually going on. Vice President Harris has yet to visit the border, 45 days after being assigned the responsibility to resolve the situation.

President Biden insists (incredibly) that everything is under control. Meanwhile, the surge of illegal immigrants crossing the border is astonishing: 172,000 in March and 162,000 in April. This does not include the illegal immigrants who are not apprehended and simply cross and escape into the country.

The drug cartels are operating in unheard-of numbers. In the first 100 days of the Biden presidency, business has never been better for this multibillion-dollar business. Sex traffickers and human smugglers are also busy plying their horrifying, immoral trade. The young people making the dangerous trek to the United States via the coyotes are frequently assaulted and raped along the way. Small children are sometimes simply dropped over a wall or are abandoned once the smugglers get them across. Others die along the way in the desert terrain.Thos

There are not enough facilities and personnel to process those who cross. The immigration courts have an insurmountable backlog of cases. Border Patrol agents are overwhelmed and claim the situation is absolutely chaotic. At times, the people who are apprehended are simply released without even being given a Notice to Appear for an immigration hearing at a later date. Those who are cited and given a court date often elect to simply ignore the summons and never return. Some of the illegal immigrants have tested positive for COVID-19.

Local mayors and other leaders along the border have declared emergencies as they have no way to feed, house and treat the people who are dropped off in their communities. In fact, it’s not just the border states that can’t handle the influx, as a caller to our daily radio/TV program, Sekulow, described. It’s affecting the middle of America just as much.

It is no exaggeration that the situation is dire and people are suffering. One cannot overstate the seriousness of the crisis on the border. And it appears that virtually nothing is being done to address it. Why is this the case?

The Left does not want to solve immigration as it is useful politically. Immigration is a weapon for them. If they solved it, they could not use it to bludgeon the other side. Others do not believe in borders and applaud the porous border. Perhaps Vice President Harris has no plans to visit the border, as then she would be held accountable for witnessing the crisis and would be forced to acknowledge it as a crisis—something she has refused to do. Even though what is happening is awful, the calculation is that doing little or nothing—while bringing short-term criticism—will bring long-term political benefits. Sometimes when people act like they do not care—it is not an act.

In a 2018 report from the United Nations, they estimated that there were 800,000 immigrants from other parts of the world who were smuggled into Mexico and from there made their way to the U.S border. That is a major threat to the national security of the United States. That, along with the sex trafficking and drug trade, should be quite enough to make the Biden Administration secure the border, reinstate the “Remain in Mexico” policy while asylum claims are processed, and enforce the immigration laws that are already on the books.

Thousands of unaccompanied children are now in U.S. custody; more are coming. To their credit, the Trump administration flew children like this back to their home countries in the Northern Triangle of nations to be reunited with the family members who sent them north. It should be a given that gang members and convicted violent criminals should be immediately deported. Yet, in April, deportations dropped markedly. Human smuggling is a $4 billion annual business. And President Biden has stopped the moratorium on immigrants coming to the U.S. from Yemen, Syria and Somalia—all hotbeds of terrorism.

This should not be a partisan issue. Compassion and common sense should rule the day. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Most Americans sense this and have had quite enough of the inaction and political gamesmanship that are so obvious. {eoa}

This article originally appeared at aclj.com.

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