WATCH: Congressman, Liberal Christian Spar Over Salvation and the Gospel on Congressional Floor

Louie Gohmert and Barry Lynn discuss the Gospel

A congressional summit on religious liberty this week took a rather evangelistic direction.

Barry Lynn of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, who contended with claims made by conservatives over the loss of religious freedoms in the U.S., found himself at one point in a theological skirmish with Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert.

“In your Christian beliefs, do you believe in sharing the Good News that would keep people from going to Hell, consistent with Christian beliefs?” Gohmert asked Lynn, trying to pin him down.

“I wouldn’t agree with your construction of Hell or why one gets there, but the broader question is yes, I’m happy to,” Lynn began his response, separating himself from biblical teachings.

“So you don’t believe that someone would go to Hell because they don’t believe Jesus is the way, the truth and the life?” Gohmert asked.

From there, the conversation became increasingly Gospel-focused, begging the question: was Rep. Gohmert evangelizing Lynn on the congressional floor?

Watch the amazing exchange for yourself:

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