Tour Guide Gets More Than She Expected When She Joins Prayer at Supreme Court

siege in front of supreme court

It’s significant that a prayer vigil with Bound4LIFE is called a “Silent Siege.”

This public prayer witness carries a distinct difference from the atmosphere of many protests that occur on Capitol Hill, specifically at the U.S. Supreme Court. The people praying are silent, yet definitely it is a Siege—things are most certainly happening!

I have led educational historic tours of the East Coast for decades. I’ve often been by the people who are lined up at the steps of the Supreme Court, praying with the red Life Tape over their mouths. I was familiar with Justice House of Prayer DC and Bound4LIFE, but I had never prayed with them before.

One day a friend and I were there without a group so I said, “Let’s go over and pray with them.” 

As soon as I took the piece of red tape that said “LIFE” on it, I started shaking. Keep in mind, I’m not some sort of shake-and-quake person. What is wrong with me? I thought. Why am I shaking? 

I’ve been to the Supreme Court thousands of times, never experiencing such emotion. As I put the red tape over my mouth, I looked up at the triangular pediment staring down at us from the top of the Court. It declares boldly: EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW.

I started crying so hard. My spirit cried out within me, God, equal justice? There’s no justice for these babies! Their voices have been silenced.

Now, over the last 42 years, we’ve had 56 million lives snuffed out from abortion according to most estimates. These are American citizens, who would’ve been part of our culture: inventors, artists, sisters, fathers … people who contributed in everyday life. 

One Silent Siege at the Supreme Court was a turning point for my very existence. I made an inner realization: I wasn’t alive when slavery was going on, I wasn’t alive during the Holocaust—but this is happening on our watch. 

A Scripture verse rose up in my spirit during that same hour. Surely for your lifeblood I will demand a reckoning, begins Genesis 9:5-6. Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed; for in the image of God He made man. 

We’re accountable in this generation for allowing this to take place. Those of us alive right now, we’ve got to be the voice for the innocent among us. And who is more innocent than a baby on the inside of a mother’s womb? 

That day was life-changing for me. We know the faithful prayers of Bound4LIFE have impacted the unseen realm.

And the countless thousands who’ve walked by and thought, What is that? From experience, I will tell you: They’ve been impacted too.

Rene Couture serves as co-host of The Annica Thomas Show, a weekly radio show airing live in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and available online. She lives in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. This Bound4LIFE post has been reprinted with permission. 

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