Top of the Week: The Real Reason the Disaster in Afghanistan Unfolded as It Did

Here’s a brief sampling of the top stories featured this week on

I feel heartsick about the tragedy unfolding in Afghanistan, particularly for the women and girls who are about to be subjected to the most brutal forms of Sharia (Islamic law). It is a travesty that should never have happened.

While many will be debating the logistical decisions made by the president and others that led to this catastrophe, I want to discuss the moral and theological decisions in America over the past 60 years that I believe have played a primary role in this disaster.

The tragedy in Afghanistan can be traced to America’s secularization of its culture and armed forces. You cannot defeat ideas with bullets. Ideas must be defeated with better ideas. Sharia, to which the Taliban are fanatically committed, must be challenged with more than tanks and bullets.

Reverend Dr. William Flippin Sr., pastor of The Greater Piney Grove Baptist Church in Atlanta “[has] made the decision to require worshipers to show proof of full vaccination status before they are allowed to enter for worship service,” Fox 5 Atlanta reports. “Flippin says his prayer is that more people get vaccinated to stay safe, especially within minority communities where there’s already still a lot of hesitancy.”

Flippin created a COVID task force and made decisions with his team to put the new guidelines in place. The team also reportedly terminated a staff member who refused to get vaccinated.

Out of concern for elderly congregants, Flippin has enforced mandatory vaccine cards.

A recent article (which I will not link here) proclaimed the salacious news that a Christian woman is stripping online (and getting rich in the process) because that is what God what wants her to do. She claims to have a personal relationship with Jesus, but without the baggage of thousands of years of man-made doctrine.

And, she claims, whenever she asks God about stripping naked online, He always gives her the same answer: yes!

This is the just latest example of a disturbing trend that has been growing in recent years, a trend in which you can claim to have a relationship with Jesus and speak of your great love for God without that relationship making any tangible impact on your life.

Afghanistan has fallen into the hands of terrorists. The Taliban entered the Muslim nation’s presidential palace on Sunday and sealed its control after a 20-year war. Afghanistan’s president has fled—and many others are trying to flee the country.

Prophetically speaking, the war is not over. It’s just escalated in the spirit and will manifest in the natural if prayer warriors don’t rise up in crisis intercession.

On New Year’s Eve in 2019, I prophesied about radical Islamists rising up and pushing for power through violence—and that more horrifying violence was being planned. Now, those plans are beginning to manifest.

Sheila J. Spencer, a Pentecostal pastor at Time of Refreshing Christian Worship Center in Orlando, Florida, has died after spending time in a medically induced coma after contracting COVID-19 in late July. reported that Spencer was to be vaccinated the day she entered the hospital. Spencer’s family told WESH 2 News that “she did not have pre-existing conditions and had been cautious of the virus.”

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