Top of the Week: California House Passes Infanticide Bill Legalizing the Death of Newborns 7 Days or More After Birth

2022 6 Newborn baby CBN
Following are snippets of the top stories featured over the past week on We invite you to visit the links to read the stories in full.

The California State Assembly on Thursday passed what pro-life advocates have called a radical measure that they’ve dubbed “The Infanticide Bill.”

The bill, known as AB 2223, was passed by a vote of 48-21 in the Democrat-controlled Assembly. It now goes to the state Senate.

The measure is promoted by the state’s “Future of Abortion Council,” a coalition of 40 pro-abortion groups whose goal is “to Protect, Strengthen and Expand Abortion Services in California.” The abortion council is currently advocating for nine different abortion expansion bills.

Author and popular pastor Francis Chan recently hit back at the pro-choice mantra “my body, my choice,” urging people to pause and consider that “nothing is yours” and the Lord created everything.

Chan, 54, referenced several Scriptures and biblical stories during his time on stage at The Send, a Christian event held earlier this month in Kansas City, Missouri, as The Christian Post reported.

Among those Scriptures was Isaiah 66:2 (ESV), which reads: “All these things my hand has made, and so all these things came to be, declares the Lord. But this is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word.”

One of the little girls who was killed in the horrific shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, is being remembered for sharing the gospel on social media.

Ellie Garcia, a 9-year-old victim of Tuesday’s massacre, had posted a short video to TikTok about Jesus before she died.

“Hey, guys. I just wanted to give you a little catch-up,” Garcia said in the 15-second video posted to Facebook by her father, Steven Garcia.

After a stunning success in theaters nationwide for two nights only on May 12 and May 19, 2022, The Harbingers of Things to Come from New York Times bestselling author Jonathan Cahn—author of The Harbinger, The Harbinger II—The Return, The Oracle, The Book of Mysteries and other critically acclaimed books—topped the charts as one of the top five films viewed across the nation and the third highest per screen average. The first showing alone saw the film rank No. 2 at the box office as the second-highest grossing film nationally. In total, the explosive motion picture saw almost 100,000 people in just two nights and grossed more than $1 million.

After such a triumph in the box office, The Harbingers of Things to Come is now available for hosting at churches, communities, groups and organizations nationwide, through ticketed streaming events from May 13–June 13, 2022, at The Faith Content Network. With a network of nearly 150,000 pastors and church leaders, the Faith Content Network is a collection of churches that present new, faith-driven, theatrical events available in tandem with their exclusive theatrical release.

This riveting feature film based on Cahn’s bestselling and brilliant successes with The Harbinger series reveals the ancient mysteries that lie behind what is happening in America and the world today—and in the future.

Veteran Navy SEAL Jimmy Graham delivered a one-word answer when asked to reveal the most powerful preventative deterrent to violent mass shootings like the one that unfolded this week in Uvalde, Texas.

“Jesus,” he said without missing a beat. He then expounded on his belief America has strayed from its biblical foundations.

“I would plead with people to return to the foundation that built this nation,” he said. “There are biblical foundations that built this nation. They’re proven to work, and we’ve chosen not to use them.” {eoa}

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