The GOP’s ‘Commitment to America’ Can Work, With God at the Forefront

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On Friday, Sept. 23, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) announced a new strategy for Republicans should they retake congress in the upcoming elections.

This agenda, the GOP’s “Commitment to America,” laid out exactly what the Republican strategy would be as the congressional majority.

The plan is laid out in four broad categories that address a plethora of issues that are concerning Americans today. These are then broken down into smaller sub-categories and explain in depth the goals of a Republican-led congress:

  • An Economy That’s Strong
    • Fight Inflation and Lower the Cost of Living
    • Make America Energy Independent and Reduce Gas Prices
    • Strengthen the Supply Chain and End Dependence on China
  • A Nation That’s Safe
    • Secure the Border and Combat Illegal Immigration
    • Reduce Crime and Protect Public Safety
    • Defend America’s National Security
  • A Future That’s Built on Freedom
    • Make Sure Every Student Can Succeed and Give Parents a Voice
    • Achieve Longer, Healthier Lives for Americans
    • Confront Big Tech and Demand Fairness
  • A Government That’s Accountable
    • Preserve Our Constitutional Freedoms
    • Hold Washington Accountable
    • Restore the People’s Voice

“We want an economy that is strong. That means you can fill up your tank. You can buy the groceries. You have enough money left over to go to Disneyland and save for a future—that the paychecks grow, they no longer shrink,” McCarthy explained.

“We have a plan for a nation that’s safe. That means your community will be protected, your law enforcement will be respected. Your criminals will be prosecuted. We believe in a future that’s built on freedom—that your children come first.”

If a GOP-led congress actually fights for these things, and does not suffer from lethargic leadership yet again, things could possibly turn around in a short period of time in America.

But it would all be for naught without God involved.

These leaders must acknowledge God in their work for there to be a return to prosperity in America. God has appointed them, because all authority comes from God according to Romans 13:1. This would be a real chance for the leadership of America, not just a president or a Supreme Court, but the duly elected officials of congress to rise up and say “We are a nation under God.”

Jesus told the parable of a spirit that leaves a man and if it returns to a house in order, it will bring seven other evil spirits with it. That parable is applicable to congress as well. There have been times of prosperity and things have been in order, but without God in the halls of government, things have just progressively gotten worse and worse. Just as Jesus explained in the parable.

Christians must pray that God’s will be done this election season, that biblically sound and strong Christians are elected to the halls of congress. And that the nations leaders repent before God and turn the country away from the destructive direction it has been heading for far too long. {eoa}

James Lasher is a Copy Editor for Charisma Media.

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