Strang: Because Protecting the Unborn Is So Important, President Trump Is Right to Fill the SCOTUS Seat ASAP

2020 Blogs Strang Report Trump SCOTUS Seat

The nation is mourning the loss of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who passed away Friday evening at age 87 of complications from pancreatic cancer. She had battled cancer for years.

President Donald Trump, upon learning the news, expressed his sadness at the passing of a fellow American. Now a controversy developed over whether the nomination should be only after the election. I believe that what the president said was true: He has “also rightly acknowledged ” that he and other elected Republican officials have an obligation, without delay,” to fill the vacancy now created on the High Court.

Trump always displays his keen leadership instincts. This is yet another example of Trump’s employment of those God-given skills.

Trump shared in a tweet on Saturday, “@GOP We were put in this position of power and importance to make decisions for the people who so proudly elected us, the most important of which has long been considered to be the selection of United States Supreme Court Justices. We have this obligation, without delay!”

As I’ve written about in God, Trump and the 2020 Election, Donald Trump has probably been one of the staunchest defenders of religious liberties and freedoms we have seen. He also makes it no secret that he has an evangelical council that meets with him periodically, ministers to him, advises him and at times even lays hands on him and prays over him, something I also points out in the book. Now, as the president prepares to put forth a new candidate for the Supreme Court, I am confident that Trump will act with his conservative beliefs and his firm “faith in America” in mind.

The election this year is so important for Christians and for people of all faiths. The president is a champion for our belief in God and for returning us to the foundation of our freedoms in this country.

Under Trump’s leadership, a multi-agency effort has been underway within the federal government to create a COVID vaccine to combat the coronavirus that has attacked our country this year. In addition, America’s borders are more secure, the military is strong, and the economy is steadily improving.

As I noted in my book, God, Trump and COVID-19, “Donald Trump is a leader, and at this point in American history we need a real leader who can get private enterprise and government—even the Democrats—to work together to take us through this crisis and find a vaccine for the deadly coronavirus.”

I believe one of the most important issues is life of the unborn. I believe God’s heart would be for life, and putting a conservative on the Supreme Court will help make that happen. Ruth Bader Ginsberg accomplished a lot in her career, and she will be remembered as a great American. But her legacy of backing abortion is to her lasting shame, and now that her seat is open, President Trump must fill it right away.

On this issue and other issues in my books, I try to deal with the question: “Where is God in all this?” I believe God is on the side of life. {eoa}

God, Trump and COVID-19 is published by FrontLine, an imprint of Charisma House, which publishes books that challenge, encourage, teach and equip Christians. This book and others written by Stephen Strang are available in hardcover, paperback and e-book formats at

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