‘Stop the Gosnells’ Coalition Rallies for Government Action Against Abortion Industry

Kermit Gosnell

Pro-life groups on Wednesday launched a national “Stop the Gosnells” coalition to urge Congress and state legislatures to take immediate action to address the lack of oversight and brutal practices occurring in the late-term abortion industry.

The coalition, led by the national pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List), is dedicated to exposing the horrors of late-term abortion most recently uncovered by the trial of convicted murderer Kermit Gosnell of Philadelphia.

The coalition website, StoptheGosnells.com, features an action center where grass-roots activists can contact their elected representatives to demand action. The initial featured action is to encourage support for Rep. Trent Franks’ nationwide Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act to protect babies from abortions past 20 weeks gestation. 

“The abortion industry nationwide is rife with the brutality and abuse revealed during the Kermit Gosnell trial,” says SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser. “As a nation, we must examine how the scourge of late-term abortion impacts women, children, abortion-industry employees and our communities.

“We look forward to seeing these discussions take place and be properly addressed by Congress and the states. The time is ripe to address the questions: What does it mean to truly support women’s health, and where do we step in to protect the rights of the most vulnerable?”

Penny Young Nance, CEO and president of Concerned Women for America, says Congress should act immediately.

“Kermit Gosnell’s horror show gave only a peek into what is happening in abortion clinics across the country,” Nance says. “The evidence given by former employees, coupled with the investigative reports from Live Action, warrant immediate action by Congress. We applaud the House Judiciary and Energy and Commerce Committees, along with longtime pro-life heroes like Rep. Trent Franks, for examining the oversight and practices of late-term abortion facilities and for seeking to protect women and children.”

Live Action President Lila Rose says the organization’s latest investigation, “Inhuman: Undercover in America’s Late-Term Abortion Industry,” isexposing the horrifying reality that Kermit Gosnell is not an outlier. His gruesome and inhuman practices make for just a typical day at the office inside abortion facilities across America. We urge the public to take immediate action to protect women and children from the Gosnells still at large in our nation.”

Michael Geer, president of the Pennsylvania Family Institute, insists the Gosnell case is not an isolated incident.

“Despite what Planned Parenthood, NARAL, the ACLU and other abortion industry lobbyists would have you believe,” he says, “there surely are more Gosnell-style houses of horror throughout the country. The ‘Stop the Gosnells’ coalition is dedicated to exposing these atrocities and demanding that Congress take action. The many lives lost in that West Philadelphia ‘house of horrors’ require a response.”

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