Shocking Research: LGBT Support Is Plunging Among Millennials


A new poll has found that Americans between the ages of 18 and 34 are becoming less and less enamored with the LGBT lifestyle each year.

In a new Action Alert, the American Family Association (AFA, is pointing to the findings of the poll:

  • In 2016, 63% of Millennials said they were comfortable interacting with LGBT people. In 2017, that number fell to 53% and plunged to 45% in 2018.
  • 36% of Millennials are not comfortable when they learn a family member is homosexual, up from 29% in 2017.
  • 39% of Millennial males are uncomfortable learning that their child has had a lesson on LGBT history at school or has a homosexual teacher, up from 27% in 2017.

“I believe the reason this is happening is simple: Millennials have had the gay agenda crammed down their throats their entire lives,” said AFA President Tim Wildmon. “It looks as if the scales might finally be tipping in a pro-family direction on homosexuality. This should be very encouraging news to all of us involved in the culture war! Let’s continue to pray, love, persuade and act until our entire American culture returns to a biblical view of sexuality.”

Check out our “Overcomer” podcast series to hear powerful testimonies of people who have left the LGBT lifestyle behind to follow Jesus!


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