‘Secret Church’ Experiences Possible Cyberattack; Users Prevented From Viewing Live Event


David Platt’s “Secret Church” event suffered an apparent cyberattack Friday night, preventing many participants from viewing the SC20 simulcast.

The church wrote in a Facebook post, “We know many of you were not able to join the SC20 simulcast last night. It appears our site was under attack, keeping many of you from logging in.”

Platt is the lead pastor of McLean Bible Church in Vienna, Virginia, and author of the book Radical.

Secret Church is based on the time Pastor Platt spent teaching and ministering at underground Asian house-churches. Christians had to risk their own lives to meet secretly due to opposition from the government, community and family.

The difficult position that is placed on persecuted Christians is why prayer for the church is the basis of each Secret Church gathering.

The focal point of the SC20 event was “God, Government and the Gospel.” It intends to change the way Christians of all nations relate to governing power while glorifying our God.

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