SatanCon’s Attempt to Renounce God Failed: Here’s Why

2023 5 Free from sin

Satan’s plan to hold the largest gathering of his followers “in history” did not go quite as he and the attendees imagined it would.

Amid the furor, spiritual warfare and media coverage, salvations took place during The Satanic Temple’s (TST) 10-year anniversary celebration.

According to TST’s own website, they claim to not believe “in the existence of Satan or the supernatural.” Which anyone with an ounce of discernment knows is not true, and is deceptive. Because that is what Satan does.

For a group that does not believe in Satan, there were a lot of “Hail Satan’s” going around the Boston Marriott Copley Place.

As convention goers dressed up as satanic deities and devils, they could not help themselves in directly attacking God and revealing that their true goal is to tear down what God has created, not the pursuit of knowledge and insight they list on their website.

The gathering opened with a renouncing of order, lawfulness and submission to authority, all principles God created and instilled in His creation.

Instead, the leadership of TST decried “symbols of oppression” and tore up a Bible and a “Thin Blue Line” flag associated with support for law enforcement.

“We stand here today in defiance of their siege and destroy their symbols of oppression,” a female leader was recorded saying before destroying the Bible.

Overplaying their hand even more, several of the keynote speakers for lectures on radical-left identity politics were hosted by university professors and members of the transgender community.

As reported by Fox News:

“‘Sins of the Flesh: Satanism and Self-Pleasure’ was taught by Eric Sprankle, a ‘sexuality studies’ professor at Minnesota State University-Mankato. ‘Reclaiming the Trans Body: A/theistic strategies for Self-Determination and Empowerment,’ was offered by Devi B. Dillard-Wright, a transgender woman who served as University of South Carolina-Aiken Associate Professor of Philosophy until July 2022.”

In case there are still parents who are unaware, these are the types of people teaching at universities across the nation.

For those calling themselves Christians that have embraced the cult of transgenderism within their churches, these lectures make it hard to use Scripture to justify the stance that accepting transgenderism is the will of God when satanists are pushing it so fiercely while denouncing the Word of God.

Yet amongst all the pomp, rebellion and dark spiritual oppression convention-goers placed upon themselves willingly, there were reports of people witnessing on the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and leading others in the prayer of salvation at the event.

Worship leader and evangelist Sean Feucht tweeted out that even in the midst of the spiritual rebellion, God’s love was being poured out and releasing people from bondage:

“While they were ripping up pages of the Bible to kick off the largest Satanic gathering ever (SatanCon in Boston), over 98 attendees surrendered their lives to Jesus (verified!) from covert evangelists infiltrating the crowd.”

As Satan continues to try and deceive people into believing he is some kind of tolerant, accepting, benevolent being that cares and wants to form a community that mirrors those traits, his lies are being exposed for the snares and traps that they are.

Jesus speaks life over those who follow Him, Satan can only offer them death. But for those who found the light in the middle of this dark event, they will know eternal life courtesy of the precious blood of Jesus. And that is something Satan can never take away. {eoa}

James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.

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