Rush Limbaugh Prophesies the American Flag Will Be Taken Down Next

American Flag

If the United States is making an effort to stop sales and remove the offensive Confederate flag, the star-spangled banner may be next. 

Political commentators are attacking the decision to remove the Confederate flag over its offense, and vow the American flag will be next. 

“The American flag has flown over a slave nation much longer than the Confederate flag did, folks. The American flag has flown over all kinds of atrocities,” says Rush Limbaugh, according to Politico” … Can you just hear it now? I can hear it now: ‘The United States flag has flown over slavery and symbolized racism, discrimination, bigotry, homophobia for hundreds of years; the Confederate flag flew only four years, and we’re getting rid of the Confederate flag.’ Mark my words.”

Indeed, the attack against the American flag has already begun. 

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan is calling for the removal of American flags.

“We need to put the American flag down because we’ve caught as much (expletive) under that as the Confederate flag,” he said, according to the Atlanta Journal Constitution. “White folks march with you because they don’t want you upsetting the city; they don’t give a (expletive) about them nine.”

Even before the Confederate flag debate began after the atrocity at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, schools were trying to ban the stars and stripes. 

Schools have banned American flag T-shirts with court approval.

And earlier this year, the University of California Irvine made a resolution, which was later dissolved, to remove the flag from the campus.

“Designing a culturally inclusive space aims to remove barriers that create undue effort and separation by planning and designing spaces that enable everyone to participate equally and confidentially,” read the resolution, Charisma News previously reported.

In a nation that wants to foster inclusivity above all else, is banning Old Glory next? Sound off!

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