Revival Fires Expected to Ignite at Parousia Event in Virginia

2023 7 Demontae Edmonds

A sense of anticipation fills the air as nearly 2,000 individuals have already registered for the Parousia Encounter Conference in Virginia.

This two-day event, scheduled for July 21-22, 2023, promises to be a life-transforming experience filled with prayer, worship and the expectation of miraculous healings.

The Parousia Encounter Conference, hosted by Apostle Demontae Edmonds, the founder of Destiny for the Nations, and Pastor Nina Anderson of The Wells Ministries, seeks to ignite a greater passion for serving Jesus among attendees.

Edmonds, known as “The Miracle Man,” has witnessed the Holy Spirit moving powerfully during his international meetings.

He has recounted stories of limbs growing back and the blind receiving their sight in India. These creative miracles, Edmonds believes, are evidence of Jesus’ living and real existence. The Virginia Parousia event is expected to witness similar supernatural occurrences, drawing attendees into an encounter with God’s tangible presence.

Joseph Stallings, a dedicated worship leader collaborating with Edmonds’ ministry, expressed his desire to see individuals reconnecting with the Lord and experiencing His presence. Stallings emphasized the significance of unity through a deep connection with God and invited everyone to participate in ushering His glory during the Virginia Parousia.

“My desire is to see people have an encounter with the Lord and reconnect any severed ties they may have with Him. It’s important to have a connection because it brings unity. I pray all join in as we usher in his presence together. Let his glory fall at the Virginia Parousia!” says Stallings.

Beyond the anticipated miracles and worship, the Parousia Encounter Conference highlights the vital role of media in today’s culture.

In a past interview with Charisma magazine, Edmonds stressed the need for believers to strategically occupy media platforms and present an image of Christ that brings transformation to people’s lives. By doing so, they can shield others from false doctrines, distractions and ungodly influences.

Edmonds strongly believes that there is a spiritual battle in the realm of media. He explained how Satan, the prince of the power of the air, seeks to negatively influence individuals through various media streams, hindering their faith, prayer life and relationship with God. By intentionally and strategically engaging with media, believers can counter these influences and bring the message of Christ to wider audiences.

Reflecting on his own journey as a vessel of God’s Word, Edmonds recounted the powerful experience of prophesying to high-ranking officials in the Pentagon. Overcoming initial reservations, he witnessed the impact of God’s word, accurately delivered to receptive hearts. Edmonds encouraged believers to step out of their comfort zones, embracing untraditional places as avenues for bringing God’s presence and message.

Here are three Bible verses that prepare the way of the Lord in preparation for revival:

  1. Psalm 34:8 – “O taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him.”
  2. Isaiah 43:19 – “Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”
  3. Matthew 19:26 – “But Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.'”

As the Parousia Encounter Conference approaches, participants eagerly anticipate encountering the tangible presence of God, witnessing miraculous healings and experiencing personal transformation. The event holds the potential for lives to be forever changed and for the glory of God to resound throughout Virginia.

With thousands expected to attend, the event is poised to be a monumental gathering where the power of prayer, worship and miracles will be on display. As believers gather to seek God’s presence, they anticipate a revival that will impact their lives and the surrounding community. {eoa}

James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.

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