Reports: Pastors Raise Modern-Day Lazarus Back to Life

God is still in the business of raising the dead to life.

The pastors of New Hope International church raised a boy to life after following the directions of the Holy Spirit, according to reports.  

Eric Angeles says he felt the Holy Spirit tell him to embrace the distraught father and say, “Llame el nombre de Jesus” (“Call the name of Jesus”), he told PE News.  

His wife, Ruth, said she “prayed in the name of Jesus. ‘Lord, just bring back life into this boy. Perform a miracle right in front of our eyes.'”

And then, the Lord did indeed perform the miraculous—the boy’s eyelids began to flutter.  

READ: Here’s Some Proof of Modern-Day Resurrection

“I announced that he was alive and asked everyone to call on the name of Jesus,” Ruth tells PE News. “Even the man who hit him and other relatives were kneeling around the boy crying and calling on the name of Jesus.” 

The boy’s testimony is not the only recent one of God performing the same miracle he did for Lazarus in John 11.  

Pastor and evangelist Robby Dawkins gave reports of seeing the dead raised.  

“What I saw was a strong demonic presence over him. His head was contorting and looked to me like it would almost twist, as well as his jaw, face and hands contorting,” Dawkins recalls. “They were drawn up towards his chest and neck. It seemed every muscle was at an extreme strain in his body. He was jerking and twitching severely.”

READ: Woman Says God Raised Her From the Dead to Give This Message 

Then, “I turned him towards me and pulled him into my chest—like a hug—and declared a full impartation of life. He let go and then embraced me again,” Dawkins says. “I did this because I had a friend who had raised the dead and said there is something about the chest-to-chest connection—like in the Bible—that seems to impart life. I continued to pray and break off the enemy’s assignment against him. Some men helped him to the back of the church to wait for the ambulance,” Dawkins said.  

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