President Biden Is Clearly Telling Us He is Not in Charge

2021 8 Joe Biden FB

The nation watched in horror over this last week as the abrupt and hectic pullout from Afghanistan resulted in 13 United States service members being killed, as well as dozens of Afghan nationals.

Currently, there are hundreds of Americans who didn’t “make the plane” and will be stranded (at least for the time being) inside of the Taliban-controlled nation.

This all looks very bad for President Joe Biden and one would think that Biden himself would see this as a colossal failure. One would think that of course, unless Biden doesn’t believe he is in charge.

The truth is, if we take him at his word, he’s not.

On August 29th, Biden gave an address at FEMA headquarters regarding Hurricane Ida. At the end of his address, he told everyone, “I’m not supposed to take any questions, but go ahead.”

“I’m not supposed to”? Mr. President, what exactly do you mean by, “I’m not supposed to”? You are the President of the United States. If you don’t want to take a question, you simply say, “No questions.” But don’t stand in front of reporters as the leader of the free world and tell us that someone else told you what you were “supposed to” do.

Unfortunately, this is not an isolated event.

On August 26th, the president addressed the nation in light of the soldiers who lost their lives protecting the Kabul airport in Afghanistan. After finishing his speech, he told the room and the nation, “Ladies and gentlemen, they gave me a list here. The first person I was instructed to call on was Kelly O’Donnell of NBC.”

The pain goes on.

On June 16th, President Biden was making a speech from Geneva, Switzerland and concluded by saying, “I’ll take your questions and as usual, folks, they gave me a list of the people I’m going to call on.”

As usual?

“They” gave me a list?

Biden is making it very clear: He’s not running the show.

The question that remains unanswered is this: Who is?

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