Pastors Kicked Out of Capitol Visitor Center Over ‘Appeal to Heaven’ Prayer

The Appeal to Heaven flag is springing up all over the nation—and all over the world. But the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center has an issue with the theme.

An emerging movement is growing under a white banner with an evergreen tree and the words “An Appeal to Heaven.” But this prayer and awakening movement is already seeing resistance from the U.S. government.

Indeed, a group of pastors were kicked out of the U.S. Capital Visitor Center (CVC) over a prayer meeting with an Appeal to Heaven theme. The pastors were granted the use of the CVC for an event on Feb. 25 dedicated to racial reconciliation but five days before the meeting they were told they could not proceed unless they removed the words “An Appeal to Heaven” from the theme.

All of this is ironic, considering that before its foundation America first flew the Appeal to Heaven flag. It was the banner George Washington used on his navy ships to signal that their only hope against British rule and religious persecution was an appeal to heaven. Revivals are breaking out under the appeal to heaven banner across the nation. Some are expecting the next great move of God to emerge under this banner.

“We never misled anyone about the theme,” says Bishop E.W. Jackson, who organized the meeting. “Congressman Bob Goodlatte secured the auditorium for us, and he knew what the theme was. The event was created as a positive and unifying response to the incidents in Ferguson and Staten Island which sparked protests and riots around the country.”

Congressional Oversight Committee Staff required that the theme be changed to “A Discussion of [or Appeal for] Legislation.” So it seems that although the wall of the CVC says “In God We Trust,” apparently God is not welcome in the building.

“Given the ugly rhetoric by the likes of Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan, we thought they would welcome our call for unity, healing and reconciliation,” says Jackson, bishop of The Called Church, Marine Corps Veteran, 2013 Republican Nominee for Lt. Governor of Virginia. “But instead we faced suspicion and resistance.”

The pastors were told that Congressional Oversight Committee senior staff were “monitoring” their promotional material, and would not allow the ministers to use the room unless “Appeal To Heaven” were replaced with a legislative theme.

“When you tell us we have to change the nature of our meeting or be kicked out, you have already kicked us out,” says Jackson, who is also president of STAND and Senior Fellow for Family Research Council. “We will not compromise the purpose of the event, so we had to move it. Many government officials have forgotten that government exists to serve the will of the people, not the other way around.”

Rekindle the Flame will still be held at 7 PM on Feb. 25. The new location is the Hilton Washington at 1919 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20009. RSVP at [email protected] or call 757-375-6444.

What to know more about the next great move of God? Click here to see Jennifer LeClaire’s new book featuring Dutch Sheets, Reinhard Bonnke, Jonathan Cahn, Billy Graham and others.

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