Pastor Jack Hibbs Says America Can Be Saved Only Under Donald Trump’s Leadership

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The 2020 presidential election is a clear choice between a president who understands “America first” and a presidential nominee who is eager to give the keys to our country to the world.

President Trump has stood up to the forces of globalism, and they have attacked him with a ferocity like never before because he understands that the United States should never yield its sovereignty.

As we look at organizations such as The United Nations, NATO, World Bank, IMF and the World Health Organization or treaties such as the Paris Climate Agreement, Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Global Compact for migration, it’s difficult to deny that the world is heading toward a global government. For some, this is the dream of globalization. For others, losing our sovereignty is the worst thing for the United States. The COVID-19 pandemic helped us realize that we have become too dependent on other countries for our medical supplies and drugs; globalism is at stake for “We the People.”

The great republic of America was originally built on the promise of individual liberty, freedom and free enterprise. Sadly, this foundation has become misunderstood, and it is threatened today by many American citizens.

In fact, there are citizens who believe that a “new world order” is the best option for America’s future. This “new world order,” a term coined after the fall of the Berlin Wall, complements globalism and the desire to reach a one-world government. It is a movement to bring a globalist approach to law, to the economy and to governance that will ultimately control the entire planet with one centralized, “perfect” government.

For decades, individuals have sought to accomplish a globalized one-world government where there are no borders and no sovereignty. They started this concept by creating the League of Nations in 1920, which failed with the inception of World War II, ending in 1945. Shortly after, the United Nations was born into existence.

Many people don’t realize that Alger Hiss was author of the charter for the United Nations—a convicted communist spy. So from the inception of the United Nations, the international organization was created to help further a socialistic, one-world governing body. Despite this, communities around the world still view the United Nations as a great humanitarian organization that exists to provide aid to people who are impoverished or in crisis. This is not what the organization was created to be, and that is not what it is doing.

Globalism and socialism go hand in hand because they are based on the fallacy that as human beings, we are better off with someone else controlling not only what we do and what we produce, but what we receive from it. Time and again, this idea has failed; as we have seen in Russia, Eastern Europe, Venezuela, Cuba and so many others, yet, people still choose to believe in it.

President Trump has proven his commitment to nationalism through policy and action. He pulled America out of non-nurturing agreements and organizations like the Paris Climate accord and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, because they were designed to drag us into a globalist one-world government. He has continuously put the American worker first. President Trump brought offshore jobs back to America and advocated for producing products in the USA. He has acted as a defender for religious liberty and stood up for the constitutional rights that this country was founded on, the same ones that grew our country to be the great nation that it is today.

Yet, many see these accomplishments as threatening and he is continuously rejected. If Donald Trump would have worn a hat that said, “Make the World Great Again,” the world would have fallen over in love with him.

We have leaders in this country that have yielded up so much of our sovereignty and people don’t even realize it. Before we know it, we are going to be meshed in this socialistic world governing body, unless you take a stand against it today. No matter what label is used, a vote for any Democrat in 2020 is a vote for the rise of radical socialism, globalism and the destruction of the American dream. If we see socialism and globalism achieving its goals in America, then America will no longer be great.

One of the best tools for getting this word out is the newly released documentary from Resurrection Pictures, After Trump—A Warning to America. I urge you to watch the documentary and to invite everyone you know to watch it—the future of our country is at stake.

After Trump—A Warning to America is available now on-demand or DVD at {eoa}

Jack Hibbs is the founder and senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills in Southern California. Jack’s teaching ministry, Real Life with Jack Hibbs, is broadcast across the country and around the world on both radio and television. He is best known for his passionate, expositional teachings. Pastor Jack and his wife, Lisa, have been married for over 30 years. He, his wife and family live in Southern California.

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