
Christian Engineer Helps Solve Mobility Problem With 2-Month Bike Trek


On June 16 Don Schoendorfer, a California-based engineer, will end a two-month bicycle trek across the U.S., designed to raise money to distribute wheelchairs for free in developing nations. Beginning his ride in New York in April, Schoendorfer, founder of Free Wheechair Mission, hoped to raise $670,000 to distribute 15,000 wheelchairs through partnerships with Christian […]

Billy Graham Memorial Library Opening Drew Hundreds


On May 31, roughly 1,500 invited guests participated in the private dedication of the Billy Graham Library located in Charlotte, N.C. “It’s my prayer that this center will be a testimony to the world of the amazing love of God and the great things He can do through lives that are surrendered to Him,” said

Thousands Attend Falwell’s Funeral


The funeral service for the Rev. Jerry Falwell Sr. was on May 22 at his Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, Va. Among the guests were the Rev. Franklin Graham, who spoke during the funeral; Gary Bauer president of American Values; Paige Patterson, president of the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; and Pat Robertson, founder of

Prayer Exposed Terrorist Attack, Leaders Say


New Jersey prayer leaders believe prophetic intercession played a crucial role in the unveiling of a terrorist plot to attack the Fort Dix Army base. Chuck Pierce, founder of Glory of Zion International Ministries, was a guest prayer leader in Trenton, N.J., on May 3, this year’s National Day of Prayer. Pierce said he felt

Jerry Falwell Dies at 73


The Rev. Jerry Falwell, founder of the Moral Majority, died May 15 shortly after he was found unconscious in his Liberty University office, the Associated Press (AP) reported. He was 73. Ron Godwin, executive vice president of the Lynchburg, Va.-based college, said Falwell had a history of heart problems, but he was unsure what caused

Universities Have More Majors in Religion


  Many American universities are seeing a surge in students interested in religion. Compared with the last decade, “there is a greater interest in religion on campus, both intellectually and spiritually,” Charles L. Cohen, a professor of history and religious studies at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, told The New York Times. Dozens of interviews

US House Passes Hate Crimes Bill


In a 237-180 vote, the U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday passed a bill that broadens the definition of hate crimes to include violence provoked by bias against sexual orientation, gender identity or disability. The bill, called the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007 [H.R. 1592], will allow federal law enforcement officials

Hispanic Populations Growing the Charismatic Church


A recent study by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life found that Hispanics are changing American religion with their unique combination of Catholicism and Pentecostal beliefs. A third of all Catholics in the U.S. are Hispanic and more than half identify themselves as charismatic. Only one-eighth of non-Hispanics identify themselves as charismatic. Many

President Gives Prayer Requests for the National Day of Prayer


President George W. Bush has declared May 3 the National Day of Prayer, calling on America to pray especially for the families affected by the shootings at Virginia Tech and also for military personnel overseas and their families back home. “A prayerful spirit has always been an important part of our national character, and it

Virginia Governor Announces Day of Mourning and Prayer


Friday, the eighth anniversary of the Columbine High School tragedy, Virginia Gov. Timothy M. Kaine declared a statewide day of mourning for the victims and families of the Virginia Tech shootings. At noon an interfaith prayer service was held on the campus of Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond. “I ask that everyone in Virginia pause

US Supreme Court Outlaws Partial-Birth Abortion


The Supreme Court upheld in April a federal ban on partial-birth abortion, the highly controversial late-term abortion procedure that involves partially removing the fetus and crushing its skull. The court’s majority opinion stated: “The law need not give abortion doctors unfettered choice in the course of their medical practice,” The Associated Press reported. The 5-4

Ministries Reach Out to Va. Tech Shooting Victims


Christians are reaching out to the victims of the recent shooting at Virginia Tech. The gunman, identified by police as a 23-year-old Virginia Tech senior from South Korea, killed 33 including himself during a shooting spree at the school Monday. InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (IVF) campus staff and students met for prayer Monday night at Virginia

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