Over 6 Million People Hear Jonathan Cahn’s Warning to Supreme Court

Jonathan Cahn

When Rabbi Jonathan Cahn addressed members of Congress at the annual Washington A Man of Prayer event last month at the U.S. Capitol, he knew it would be impactful.

Now, his prophetic warning has gone viral. More than 6 million people have viewed the video of his speech. Though those with hearts inclined toward the Lord may be listening, is the Supreme Court?

“If America should ever turn away from God and His ways, should ever disregard His eternal rules of order and right, then His blessings and the smiles of heaven will be removed from the land,” Cahn says.

We’re seeing the absence of blessings as the Supreme Court looks to redefine marriage, as religious freedoms are stripped from Christian business owners, as prominent Christian icons disregard a biblical foundation.

“We too have profaned the sacred and made sacred the profane,”  Cahn said. 

The highest court in the country was expected to rule on gay marriage on April 28, and the ruling should be handed down in June. Are the end times upon us or is there a chance to cry out for revival?

Watch the video to see how Cahn says we can appeal to heaven. To see the full video, click here.

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