Man Raised From the Dead; Woman Healed of Stage 4 Brain Cancer

2021 11 Miracle boonyachoat

After one of his speaking engagements last month, a man came up to Capital Area Dream Center Executive Director Richie Lewis and told him of several testimonies from people he has seen healed since reading Lewis’ book Moving Mountains: How to See the Sick Healed & the Captives Set Free, one of which was a man he saw raised from the dead.

Recently, Bob was driving home when he came across the scene of a bad car accident. He decided to stop and see if there was anything he could do to help.

As he approached the pickup truck, he saw a man lying on the ground lifeless. Several people were gathered around the body. After talking to them for a few minutes Bob knelt down, and using the principles in Richie’s book, commanded healing and life over the man.

Instantly, the man sat up and began to talk. Everyone began freaking out and asked Bob, “Who are you?”

Stunned and not knowing what to say, he answered, “My name is Bob, and I’m a Christian.”

The man who was previously lifeless walked away from the accident alive and completely healed of all his injuries.

Woman Healed of Stage 4 Terminal Cancer

During the month of September, the Capital Area Dream Center saw 31 people give their lives to Jesus, and 12 people miraculously healed. One of the Dream Center’s teams prayed for a lady who had stage 4 brain cancer. The cancer had metastasized and spread to other parts of the body including her lungs.

The doctors had done everything they could for her and gave her little hope. After the CADC team laid hands on her and prayed, she went in for her next doctor’s appointment. They scanned her body and found no trace of cancer. She is now 100% cancer free.

The Capital Area Dream Center in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, focuses on meeting needs and reaching people for Christ.

For those interested in Richie Lewis’ book, Moving Mountains, it is available at {eoa}

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