James Robison Talks About ‘Terrifying Expectation of Judgment’

Judgment is coming to America since the country continually turns to evil.

America refusing to pursue righteousness will force the country into bondage, evangelist James Robison says. 

The summer of 2015, alone, saw the Supreme Court support gay marriage, Americans turning a blind eye to Planned Parenthood mutilations and nearly 37 million affair revelations exposed through a data hack

“It is only the grace and mercy of God that prevents our nation from being destroyed,” Robison says. “God is still our shelter, but if as a nation we continue on the present rebellious course, the hedge of protection will come down. We are already seeing it happen.”

With the presidential elections around the corner, Robison says believers should push to elect leaders who understand the foundations of freedom. 

The secular portion of America is pushing for “tolerance” while persecuting the religious freedom of Christians. To ignore the cries of persecution will force America to remain in darkness. Robison points to the words of Hebrews to back up his point. 

“If we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a terrifying expectation of judgment and the fury of a fire which will consume the adversaries,” he says. “It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God.”

However, the evangelist says there is a silver lining in the midst of all the chaos: The revelation of the nation’s wrongdoings could bring about revival. 

“In the face of coming judgment and desolation, Jesus wept over Jerusalem and extended the invitation to return to His shelter as chicks rushing to the wings of a hen,” Robison says. “There is still time, but time is running out.”

He’s not the only one believing a revival could be borne out of the revelation of sin. 

Michael Snyder, the publisher of The Economic Collapse Blog and author of The Beginning of the End, says the “great shaking” of the coming Shemitah could allow America to open its eyes to the need for God. 

But if America doesn’t repent from its sin, judgment will come, Robison says. 

Robison’s garnered several responses for his comments, especially regarding abortion. 

“Over 50 million babies have already been sacrificed to the God of convenience in our beloved country since Roe v. Wade,” one commenter writes. “When I recognize we have already lost that whole generation, I consider the worse fate (where God now says Amen to our choices) is truly terrifying … Revive us Oh God!”

Revive us, indeed. 

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