How ‘The Deplorables’ Will Lead Us Out of Crisis Into a Fourth Great Awakening

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Not only has Amir George covered news in Washington, D.C., for Charisma News, but he’s also an author, missionary and a student of revival. And as a student of revival, he looks at today’s headlines with a deeply spiritual perspective.

What George sees, despite the bad news happening around us, is that a fourth Great Awakening is on its way—an awakening led by those known (first by Hillary Clinton and then by the media) as “the deplorables.”

As George recalls the history of previous awakenings, he says they were often preceded by a period of moral and spiritual bankruptcy. “Most people think that it was godly people who started America, but right after the revolution, America slumped.”

George says J. Edwin Orr, a great teacher on revival from the 20th century, said that in the post-Revolutionary War era, “one-tenth of the population were alcoholics. It was so dangerous to go out at night that women never left their homes; bank robberies were daily. It was just bad. And then the First Great Awakening happened, and this changed.”

“As believers, when we pray for spiritual awakening, it’s not only a spiritual blessing,” George adds. “What happens is overnight, people become honest. They start paying their taxes; they start going to work on time. And overnight, the economy kicks up.”

George says God used a man named Dick Simmons—who had a prayer “war room” across from the Capitol for the past 30 years—to prepare the way for the awakening he says is coming. And now, he believes God is using others, including Steve Bannon (who has a similar war room); former Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn; and Mike Lindell, a former crack cocaine addict who is the founder and CEO of MyPillow.

This fourth Great Awakening seems to be led by what we call “the deplorables,” George says. Recalling the Jesus Movement, which was also led by unlikely people, he adds, “I’ll never forget, the testimonies were so amazing, because it’s like they all woke up every morning, and they couldn’t believe that God loved them.

“And there’s something to be said about this movement that’s happening now,” George says. “I think it’s out—it’s away from the regular church. The church leaders are not involved; it’s the regular people, many of whom have not lived perfect lives but have met God and have a different kind of faith. It’s just precious.”

For more from Amir George on the fourth Great Awakening and how God is using “the deplorables” in surprising ways, listen to the entire episode of the Strang Report podcast here. And be sure to subscribe to the Strang Report podcast on Apple Podcasts or your favorite podcast platform for more stories that will inspire and inform you in the power of the Holy Spirit. {eoa}

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