From CEO to Father of Our Country: How God Used COVID-19 to Transform Trump

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Hearts sank across the nation on Oct. 2, the day of the announcement: President Donald Trump had tested positive for COVID-19. And the news only grew worse the next morning, when we learned he would travel by helicopter to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

But even people of faith didn’t realize the amazing way God planned to “work all things together for good” (Rom. 8:28a) in the midst of what looked like the most devastating of situations. For through the experience of the coronavirus, pastor and prophet Frank Amedia says, God transformed the heart and mind of Donald Trump from that of a CEO to a true father of our country.

As founder of the POTUS Prayer Shield, Amedia has a deep concern about Trump’s well-being, and he activated the shield as soon as the word of the president and first lady’s diagnoses went out. Through the years, God also has given him a number of prophecies that have proven surprisingly accurate, beginning with the word he shared with Trump himself predicting his 2016 presidential win. Amedia also wrote a powerful prophetic word after we recorded this podcast; find it here. In this article, I’m highlighting just one of his key point.

While Trump continued to fight COVID-19, Amedia said, “We began to get reports that he needed oxygen to breathe, that his oxygen level went down. I think we know enough to know at his age—74 years old, overweight, a guy who doesn’t sleep much—the odds weren’t very good on a statistical basis that something very critical wasn’t going to happen. And in those moments and hours, we can see now that he turned his heart, and he said a prayer, and somebody prayed with him.

“He went into that hospital at Walter Reed, as the chief executive officer of the United States of America,” Amedia said. “That’s how his father raised him. That’s how his relationship was with his father. It wasn’t an intimate relationship. In fact, his father sent him away to military school at a young age. His father groomed him to be as tough as he could in business. Everything was about winning.”

Like many others driven to succeed, Amedia said about Trump, “Everything was about that relationship, to prove himself to his father. It was all about business. But when he came out of Walter Reed, he came out as the father of the nation.”

But then Amedia shared an especially exciting insight: Such a change can only happen if you have touched the heart of the Father. For the first time in Trump’s life, “he experienced the love of a father, the Father, as he had never known before,” he said.

“He found out that his God delivered him one more time,” Amedia said. “And I believe that just as God expanded Hezekiah’s years, so has He done with Donald Trump’s now, with a commission to fulfill some of the assignments that are still left to him. “

And something else happened that revealed to Amedia the dramatic change in the president’s heart. He was watching the news about Trump’s rally in North Carolina where “he said that COVID was about the past, that things were happening,” Amedia said. “We had therapeutics, we had healings, we had vaccines. Things were going to happen; we were turning the corner; don’t be afraid.

“But he said, ‘But most of all, so we all understand, it’s about the boss,’ and he pointed his finger,” Amedia said. “And he said, ‘It’s up to the boss. The boss will do it.’ And then he went another step. And this is why I know that he had a transformation of his heart, which is what we were praying—exactly what we were praying.

“And that transformation was this,” Amedia said. “Trump said, ‘Somebody recently told me, one of my people, “Sir, you’re the most popular man in the world.”‘ And he said, ‘I said, “Oh no, no, no; I am not. The most popular person in the world is another person, and His name is Jesus Christ. … I don’t even come close to Him.'”

Amedia said Trump also said, “I wouldn’t even want to touch that,” referencing the glory of God. “And he humbled himself,” Amedia said.

This coincides exactly with what Amedia prophesied to Trump about the 2016 election, that if he humbled himself before God, he would have victory. As we count down the days until the 2020 election, let’s commit ourselves to continued prayer for Trump, who, as Amedia says, has been touched by the heart of God to become more than just a tough businessman and CEO. He is now the father of our country, and we need to elect him so he can finish the work God has laid out for him.

Listen to this episode of The Strang Report podcast to hear much more from Frank Amedia about what God has told him in regard to Trump and the 2020 election. And be sure to like and share this article and podcast with others who may need to receive this truth about the dramatic change in Trump’s heart. {eoa}

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