Franklin Graham Responds to Presbyterian Church’s Apostasy

Franklin Graham is standing up against PCUSA apostasy.

It wasn’t really surprising when the Presbyterian church USA moved to fully embrace same-sex marriage by changing the wording of its constitution earlier this week. But the fallout could be wider than first believed.

Reuters reported how the move threatens to “further splinter one of the largest U.S. mainline Protestant denominations. Religion News Service seems to believe mainline Protestants are solidifying gay marriage support. And just weeks ago, controversial former pastor Rob Bell flat out told Oprah Winfrey that the church is “moments away from embracing” gay marriage.

You can hear the gay rights drum beat, and it’s getting louder. Thankfully, Franklin Graham is beating a different drum.

 “The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) approved redefining marriage in the church constitution Tuesday to include a ‘commitment between two people,’ becoming the largest Protestant group to formally recognize gay marriage and allow same-sex weddings in congregations,” Graham wrote on his Facebook page.

“In His Word, the Bible, God has already defined marriage, as well as sin, and we should obey that rather than looking for ways to redefine it according to the desires of our culture. Marriage is defined as between a man and a woman—end of discussion. Anything else is a sin against God, and He will judge all sin one day.”

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