Dr. James Dobson Offers Urgent Warning to Parents After Hypersexualized Super Bowl Halftime Show


Many conservative Christians were outraged after the halftime show for the Super Bowl on Sunday, Feb. 2. Dr. James Dobson released a statement in response to the sexually charged show, which featured performances by Shakira and Jennifer Lopez.

Dr. Dobson offered to Christian parents his urgent warning:

“On Sunday, Fox Sports and the NFL offered up a sexual smorgasbord, and the halftime show was the main course.

“In the last two days, I’ve seen outrage from a few select commentators and Christians. But overwhelmingly, I’ve witnessed the Super Bowl shoulder shrug. Responses range from the timid justification, ‘It wasn’t that bad,’ to the defiant proclamation, ‘It’s a celebration of Latino culture.’

“Let me be clear: Pole dancing, sex simulation and crotch shots are not a celebration of Latino culture; they are a celebration of our hypersexualized culture. I regret the need to be so graphic, but have we collectively lost our minds? Objectifying women — whether they willingly participate or not — is wrong. Failing to oppose such an affront to women is equally blameworthy.

“Parents, are you content to allow your children to be swept into this abyss? How many of you sat open-eyed and close-mouthed as your children partook of this sex-saturated show? How many of you are allowing your children to adopt an unhealthy and dishonoring view of women and sexuality? The Bible proclaims that we are fearfully and wonderfully made in God’s image, created for relationship with our Creator. That message isn’t coming from our society. … Is it coming from you?

“We should demand better from the NFL, networks, sponsors and entertainers. But may God help us if we don’t first demand more from ourselves as parents and as citizens. We have the truth and we must stand for it.”


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